The Food Issue

Day 464, 19:48 Published in Philippines Brazil by Sitenl

Philippines is a new country, a country with many opportunity.
Some wants its gold, this is true. Some wants its friendship, this is also true. But Philippines is not only a economic or diplomatic "tool". It is a new home: to Filipinos and foreigners alike.

But life in this new country can be harsh. In fact, by my studies, it IS definitely harsh.

The average pay is 2.98 PHP, way below my calculated average food price: 4.61 PHP.
One must account in this figures the fallowing facts: most unskilled workers have a wage of 2 PHP, but the most skilled posts (7 skill) have a wage of 11. So, even if you are the most skilled citizen of this country, it will be impossible to buy Q4 food (which is the best food we got here, 12 PHP) everyday with your wage.

The Congress and Businessmen must watch this with care: workers with low wellness are a threat to the country's economy.