The Flatline of the Masses

Day 713, 21:33 Published in USA USA by Teucer

Am I the only person who actually reads articles for substance around here? I watch people release informative, helpful articles or editorials on recent news that receive no attention, but at the first sign of an easy flame people will rip apart some n00b complaining about the US sacrificing Alaska. If Emerick or Zoli release some ridiculous one line article with a Youtube link the ignorant masses will vote it up into the top 5 just because they can with a zillion "lololol" comments, while important articles go unread.


Instead of bashing that n00b and running him out of the game, how about you friend him and start a conversation. God knows that an extra 10 minutes to explain him parts of the game is well worth your time out of Youtube or Facebook. Instead of blindly voting everything someone like Emerick or Zoli releases, how about you withhold you vote for a real article with substance. It makes what you read immensely more meaningful for everyone that way.