The First-Time Homeowner's Raffle

Day 732, 17:20 Published in South Africa South Africa by Enoch Root
Why I'm Writing
I couldn't convince Congress to spend 4% of our gold on it's citizens, so I'm here today to ask everyday people for a favor.

I want to help active new players get houses. That's my goal here. So, skipping all the set up that I had for this for Congress, this is what I'm going to do now:

This Is Now The Plan

The First-Time Homeowner's Program

If you are a young new player, and you go through the Mentorship program (Send a message to Tacointern to sign up), and you sign up on the National Forums, I want to help you out. I think any new young player that makes it that far is extremely valuable to eSA, and so I want to reward you. If you get that far, and are that active, I will put you on the list to get a Q1 house for free.

I'll take every name that Tacointern gives me that has passed through Mentorship, and that checks out the National Forums, and I will work to get them a Q1 house. It might take me a day or two to get the money together, but I'll work on it.

Congress, unfortunately, has no ideas about how to help new active players. This is my idea, and so, I will run it myself (as a citizen), feeling that it will obviously benefit eSA.

What They Won't Do
What I needed from Congress was for them to grant the gold to do so. I put in a request for 50g that was already approved for Ministerial use to be spent so that Tacointern, running Mentorship could do this. Congress, unfortunately, doesn't want to spend any money, especially on helping a Ministry help young active players.

How I'm Going To Do It
So, I'm going to run a raffle to fund this program.

Tickets are 1 gold each, or 60 ZAR.

Prizes are as follows:
10 Q3 weapons for the first ticket drawn,
4 Q4 weapons for the 2nd ticket drawn,
and 2 Q1 weapons for the 3rd ticket drawn.

The main goal here is to help active new players, so if you would like to donate, feel free, it's much appreciated. Also, if you upgrade to a higher Q house from a Q1, send me a PM, and I'll help you get it to a needy new active player.

I will be donating 10g and all of the prizes to the effort, personally.

The raffle will run until Day 735.

Donate Here To Enter The Raffle

Thank you, Citizens for stepping up and helping out on something where our Congress fails to have any ideas.