The First Edition

Day 665, 11:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

This is the first edition of the South African Gold Party Newsletter.

Our party has grown is the last few weeks. With membership over the 40 mark. That being said, please everyone subscribe to this paper and get the word out about our party.

We have clear goals and that is what will lead us to greatness. But most importantly we have the correct leadership. Today is the Party President elections and I wish both Enoch Root and Deniz Khazari good luck.

Once the results are out you will be able to find them in this paper.
More details will be out about the Party soon. If any Party members wish to submit articles to be printed here, we will have a space set up on the forum to do that, so sign up!
Gold Party Forums

Peter Buys, Gold Party Recruitment