The first day

Day 1,966, 12:58 Published in Australia Chile by Lotheridon

My first day was set out before me: fight. The game lacked the fun I could potentially have in the future - but today was a relatively good day. I intend to stay for as long as I possibly can, achieving all I can for myself, the party and the nation.

What are my intentions for the future?

I've collated myself a set of personal standards I hope to smash in the next few months. The list will, inevitably, increase as I rake in far more experience and I start to see the true, ugly, side of this game which happens to, unfortunately, take a surprising mix with real life.What are those personal standards? I have only a few to start off with. I won't drone on any longer than briefly talking about these standards. Well, I suppose you could call them targets; let's crack on anyway.

What you may think are daft targets - I present to you

1. I will try, to the best of my ability, to fight my way into senate for a modest amount of time.
2. In the near future, my ambition is to atleast gain a seat as possibly a deputy minister position.
3. Establish myself as a fun loving guy in the community! Let myself be known to the nation - I want to be seen as a friendly face to everyone.

Okay, okay. Maybe I seem a little optimistic - but they're targets I want to crack down on. None of us know - maybe they could come true? Alas, I do take into account everyone elses success and wellbeing as a top priority of mine - I'm not seeking to shower myself in glory.
