The First Article From The Bugle

Day 771, 21:32 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

I have only just returned from my Christmas holidays, refreshed and relaxed, but during the week I was gone a number of exciting things have happened.

I was pleased to see we had managed to regain WA and NT from eBrazil (word is that we have almost finished a new Q5 hospital too), eAustralia has climbed to rank 19, the senate elections took place on the 25th with some new faces entering the office (I am yet to see the results of the elections), the price of gold has remained steady at 52 AUD (Although I would like it to remain steady at 50 AUD) and the market place is slowly returning to normal.

To add to all of this I have, for the first time, got my very own newspaper! Yay! I hope to have many subcribers and many voters, along with many many friends : P

I hope everyone has an AWESOME New Year's eve and I look forward to the New Year in eRep. being a proud eAustralian in a newly re-assembled eAustralia.

P.S. The exchnage rate for GOLD is now at 53.84 AUD, not 69.89 AUD. : )