The Final Solution to the Irish Problem

Day 1,249, 13:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by John O'Melveny

It seems of late people have been commenting on the various articles we offer with the statement that we are attempting to politically take over this nation.

The reality is as much – we are using lawful means, democratic means, to gain power in a nation we belong in, care about and wish to better. Our peers in other political parties have decided over the years to slowly bend the meaning of this phrase, a so-called “Political Takeover” becoming not about the revolution offered by lawful citizens, but about foreign invaders that are not to be trusted, coming to take their power.

We have seen this before. We have heard of this – power-hungry tyrants using propaganda to maintain control – and it is happening right now. The same six or seven faces repeatedly crop up, trying to undermine the Bremen Clubhouse in all ways, financially, politically and in a poor, misguided mudslinging attempt as a final desperate grab to keep their rule.

Democracy in this land has lost all meaning. Slander, lies and the propaganda of the power-hungry drown out the lone voice asking for change, for revolution and for a new stage in Ireland’s history, a golden age.

Therefore, we offer a final solution to this problem, a spark to bring light to our country. Our new players, our young and all those that may vote must join us. We must elect a new leadership, a Bremen reign. The puppets of yesteryear must be voted out – we cannot force them and nor would we want to – but they will not leave by choice. It must be you, the citizen, that votes to remove them. Our government is quite literally handing out our land to the Canadians to prevent a shift in the balance of power – the actions of a desperate government that will not allow democracy to run its course.

Join the Bremen Clubhouse, or even just offer a salute of gratitude to us, but your support will be needed in these difficult times. If you do have voting privileges, I ask of you to vote for Stranger Here Myself, an enthusiast for the Bremen way of thought and a long-term financier of our campaign.

Thank you for reading.