The Final Solution...

Day 1,223, 07:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale
... to inflation!

As I'm sure we've all noticed, apart from 2-clicking foreign spies, inflation is on the rise. But wages, costs, and profits are on the rise too!

Now, I'm not saying this is a bad thing (I made over £300 just this morning) but some may interpret the admins actions as an assault on inflation.

What they're doing will have an effect on all. See, they're simply reducing the fraction of Consumption/Production just as you would reduce 8/10 to 4/5. It's the same thing right? No. But why would they do this? Does it not seem pointless?

Ah, dear reader, they are doing this because day 1225 is on the horizon and we all know what that means...


Indeed, so by 'simplifying the fraction', they hope to limit the amount of storage we all need for our goods, so we don't have to spend as much money or gold on new storage facilities or whatever they plan on implementing. But guess what: priced will now shoot up because only 1/6th the amount of RM are being produced which means companies will lose out on tons of money unless you raise prices.

So - apart from that quick review of the new updates which will take place tomorrow and the day after - The Final Solution To Inflation.

To people who want to reduce inflation in this country and stop people like me from making profits, here is what you can do:

1. Take all your money and burn it, thus making it 0.0000001% more rare.

2. Give all gold to Mickale, so he can properly dispose of it in environmentally friendly money bags- I mean... waste facilities.

3. Tell your employer to pay you 50% less in hopes of reducing inflation by 50% should all employers follow suit.

4. Buy a gun so when I break into your house I can shoot you without wasting my own money.

Do NOT attempt to stop this economic bubble of increased wages and costs!(Unless you really want to give me your gold)
Brought to you by the old hags waving around lion-bearing flags,
The BEP -
and the other important ones.

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(My next article will feature the contest winner from the previous article.)