The Filipino Plan

Day 492, 03:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CV James

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The opinions is this article represent that of CV James and are not party affiliated

One by one, over the past month, experienced eUK citizens and experienced citizens from all over the world, had been quietly embarking flights out of their home nation, heading for the ePhillipines. People heard rumours of a secret plan, but very few knew the actual details.

Now those plans are out in the open...

Last week, the Filipino Progressive Movement was born. And its Party President? None other than Deathtoll32, ex-Prime Minister of the eUnited Kingdom. A look into its members provides for an interesting read, Big Boy Bulley, IndieKid, Richard York and Teh User all featuring.

The Movement publically announced its intentions in a press release on Sunday, stating "Today, we stand before the Philippines and before the world, with the intentions of helping to build this fine nation. We do not come to plunder, as was done before us. All involved in our project have honest motives, and will not betray your trust if you should put it in them."

With news of the plan leaking onto the eUK national forums, project leader, Big Boy Bulley explains it:

"For those that dont know, I have been recruiting secretly for a planned takeover. We have specificly chosen Philippines due to the lack of G. Without intervention it is 100% screwed. Most of us were up for a change and it will prove a fun and exciting challenge. Our group has bonded fantasticly and we have over 600G of personal funds in an org already to help the Filipino cause.
We aim to stabalise and build the country from ground up, we will be left winged in our approach, focusing on different aspects than the UK e.g. no NHS, little gov sepending apart from military.
I can only apologise for taking some of the great citizens away from the UK, however you are all completely welcome to come and join us. Our party is Filipino Progressive Movement (FPM)."

The party fielded 16 candidates for the Congress elections yesterday, and all 16 candidates were elected, making the Filipino Progressive Movement the largest party in the Filipino Congress, with 45% of the seats.

The movement also established a Bank of Philippines, already holding 478.15 Gold and 11234.96PHP of their own money, and donors money purely for the use of developing the country.

I myself have donated to the Bank, and I would urge others to do so too!

This is a great plan, and so far a highly successful one. I can hope it inspires others to follow in their footsteps and step in to save future nations in need. I wish the Movement the best of luck in their task ahead!

CV James
Movement for Democratic Unity Party President
"One United Kingdom. One United Movement"