The Federalist Party

Day 1,117, 23:52 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze

A week ago, Blank Keating of the Department of Education wrote an excellent article on the Top Five Political Parties in America. I had the pleasure of answering a few questions for Keating’s article, but given the constraints in terms of space and objectivity in Keating’s work, I wanted to write my own article regarding the Federalist Party and why American citizens should join.

Distinguished Members

Artist’s interpretation of Federalist members. Who knew there were so many awesome Feds?

The Federalist Party has some of the most notable of eRepublikans, including former President Alexander Hamilton, Angelini, eliwood_sain, Mourning Star, Greene12, Jacksondr5, JDR1986, Melissa Rose and many many others. The Federalist Party is proud to have so many accomplished citizens and just being near so much talent is a surefire way to improving your own eLife.


The Federalist Party is dedicated to serving America in all forms, whether that be political, economic, social, or militarily. The sheer dedication to American strength and greatness in the Federalist Party is unmatched by all other political parties. We have members serving in Congress, ensuring that our government runs effectively. We have a variety of businessmen providing the country with great wealth. The Federalists also provide a friendly environment both in-game, in the forums, and on IRC to chat and make friends.

Finally, the Federalists serve the nation by picking up a gun and fighting the forces of evil abroad. Many Federalists serve in the eUS Military in some of the most prestigious of branches, including the Marines, the Airborne, and the Calvary. Some serve in the elite Seal Team 6 militia. The Federalists also have their own militia, EZ Company which is quickly growing and providing additional support in American battles. Where there is war, there is a Federalist soldier.


One of our lecture halls

One core value of the Federalist Party is education. eLife can be complex. Should I buy a Company? How do I run for Congress? How can I use my vote effectively? All these questions and more can be answered by Federalist members. One program that has begun recently is the Federalist Mock Congress, a program led by twelve term Congressman eliwood_sain. The program teaches aspiring politicians how to present legislation, how to debate in Congress, and how to keep the nation running smoothly. For excellent information, join the Feds.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the Federalist Party now! Whatever you calling in your eLife, the Federalists will be there to help.

In-Game Federalist Party page, join the party here!
Federalist Party Forum, sign up here too!
Subscribe to the Federalist Party News!
eUS Training Corps Application: Becoming an American Soldier!
Want to join a militia instead? Join EZ Company!

Federalist Vice Party President
Master Sergeant of the 303rd Training Corps Platoon
Fourth Term Congressman from Maine
CEO of Blaze Industries
Heero Blaze