The Farewell Congressional Letter to the State of Montana

Day 520, 19:00 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
-The Farewell Congressional Letter to the State of Montana-


As you have possibly already read, I have decided to not run in Montana for a 2nd Term. This decision has not been an easy one, but I ensure you that it is the right one. Montana was a great state to represent. Many of you have PMed me and kept in contact regarding policy, my articles and help or suggestions. I thank you for that. However, a new month has arrived and the USWP is threatening to break down the doors of Congress.

As many of you know, the USWP are planning to sweep all 52 States this election. In the process, they are knocking out very valuable Congressmen from other parties and replacing them with unknowns who will undoubtedly (if successful) make the 17th Congress less productive than the 16th Congress. Because of this, I am needed to go to New Jersey to help combat the opposing USWP candidate, Lowell Kennedy. He is rather well known, and my peers in Congress believe that I am a good candidate to go up against him. I will be leaving the UIP to go to the LIBS because both parties have come to an agreement (HeadmistressTalia, former Montana Congresswoman and now LIB PP as well as UIP PP, Ansen) and that agreement is that we need to come together to defeat the USWP's intended goal. Here is further info on my NJ run: Cleaning Up the Dirty Jerz one USWP at a Time

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So, with that said, I want to introduce you to Tyler Jenkins, UIP member and active Montana Citizen. I chose to push support for Tyler Jenkins because through direct communication he has explained just what he wants to do for Montana and he has some great plans. Here is a link to his platform: Tyler Jenkins' Platform. Tyler Jenkins is a very friendly and smart player who agrees 100% with my transparency for government policy as well as my "Open Door" policy when it comes to representing Montana. Those of you who have PMed me should feel free to do the same with Tyler. I give my full backing and support to Tyler Jenkins for Montana!

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Josh Frost, USWP, has thrown his hat into the ring for Montana... He was Congressman from Colorado this current term, but quit halfway through his term and moved to Lithuania. He abandoned his state he Represented as well as his Country in a time of need. He can not win, so that is why I'm asking all parties to pull together to help ensure the USWP and Josh Frost's defeat! Pull together, all parties, and help support who I believe will be the best possible candidate for you, Montana: Tyler Jenkins

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Just because I will possibly be representing another state, or possibly no state at all, come Sunday... don't think that I am done with you. I may run in Montana again in the future, but regardless, I would still love for you to keep in touch with me via IRC, PM and Comments in each other's articles. I don't believe that a Congressperson is limited to the state they represent... I believe it is our duty to represent the people as a whole. That is why my door is still open to you and why I will help in any way I can. I will miss you, Montana!

That's it for me, Montana. Remember, keep in touch!

~Claire Littleton

-Congresswoman, Montana - UIP
-Deputy to the Speaker of the House
-Chairwoman NBC
-Secretary of Voting Records