The failures of the failed establishment

Day 5,326, 13:55 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Dear Patriots,

While the enemy is creating a trolling group. We will be productive. Instead of creating a fake group, we will assess why the failed establishment is well a failure and what should be done to make Swiss a better eNation.

The group, with perhaps one exception of Tim Buctu is the reason why the eNation is in bad shape.

1. Our so called leaders are not active and wont cease power to those who are.
2. We do not have always full government.
3. No competitive election in over a year - since the failed establishment hand picks them - This is dictatorship not democracy.
4. They lie about dissenters so only yes persons have a say.
5. We were dangerously close in being taken over by PTOers - averted by Tef1s heroism twice.
6. TW partners took longer to pay taxes, cease lands longer cause they do not respect the failed establishment.
7. In the reign of the failed establishment, our national discord was bitter.

Instead of creating useless and illegal group, lets solve the problems we have. Trolling does not solve issues, working together does.

My fellow citizens, the choice is now clear. We either chose the trolls or the doers.

Lets defeat the failed establishment.
