The failures of eCapitalism

Day 807, 23:00 Published in Australia Australia by FallbackPants
A quick preface: I wrote this literally hours before the latest EI was released and explained some of the economic changes in V2. They have the power to address some of the issues I address here. Nonetheless while we are still playing V1 my points stand.

Also this was an article turned ACP forum post, turn article so apologies for the varying styles, its Friday afternoon and I honestly CBF rewriting it now. Enjoy....

The failures of eCapitalism and how eCommunists can overcome them.

The new world is a built as under capitalist economic principles. Currency, gold and the market are built into everyday workings of this game.

However, Erepublik lacks some of the most vital parts of capitalism. Products on sale through the market place are always the same, while V2 promises slightly different products it remains to be seen as to both their nature and affect on gameplay.

The quality of products depends entirely on disposable income and has a fairly minimal impact on the game experience.

Can't afford a Q5 moving ticket, food or house? It doesn't matter as long as you have access to a hospital you can keep your wellness at 90+. A hospital which is built and placed by the government, not the free market.

The market does not bring innovation, products remain the same regardless of price or manufacturer.

Essentially the key problem with the market for the average citizen of the new world is simple. It's boring.

Buying the same products, spending your hard earned (well, as hard as a click can be) money on a product that never changes is dull-freaking-central.

Erepublik economic consumption is not like real life. At no stage do you feel the need to upgrade some ridiculous item you have. Its pointless.

"But Fallback," you say, "what about houses? I've been spending gold my whole life on upgrading houses."


Not once have I even owned a house. I've traveled the world, been part of senates and cabinets, run a militia, kicked PEACEniks out of America, Brazilians out of Australia, even tried to force a revolution or two. I comtemplated buying a house a number of times. And then I realised there is no point. As with high quality food and tickets, as long as you have a hospital and a semi-regular war keeping 90+ wellness is a peice of piss.

There is only one product that it is worth buying a high quality. Guns.

We need to exploit these two factors in the game.

1 - The market is boring

Once people realise that there is no point to involving themselves in the market place we have to make them realise there is an alternative - the commune system. This is the stage we need to pull people to us.

2 - Buying Q3 and Q5 guns are the only reason to involve yourself in the marketplace.

Therefore, the only reason for people to stay out of the communes is because the only recieve Q1s. If we can provide high quality weapons on a regular basis then there is no incentive not to join.

I realise that providing Q5s will cost a doucheload. And being able to provide weapons regularly has always been a flaw of the commune system. Its hard to rank up weaker players fast without them constantly fighting with big guns, but we can't produce heaps of guns unless we have already strong manufacturers. A catch-22 if I ever heard one.