The Faces of Canada

Day 368, 12:40 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

A picture is worth a thousand words. ..

Some really important person said that. Anyway, Canada has some strange faces around eh? From the serious roman of Augustus Baldwin to the clown of Emilio Sanchez, it can be a strange place.

I have asked a few important present and past Canadians, Why did you pick these pictures?
I have questioned Augustus Baldwin, Shaddy Joe, Banach, Tony Stark, Emilio Sanchez, and our president Tantis.

Augustus Baldwin: Congressmen and important member of CPF

“Hmmm, well I came up with the name Augustus Baldwin and then I decided I would need a Roman looking picture, so I searched google images and this was the first one I saw that I liked.”

Banach: Canadian soldier, first prime minister.

“I used three in total during my time.
I used the one of Mandy Moore in the beginning for about 7 months as it is my usual internet avatar. She's cute, heh.
I used a picture from Half Life 2, of a Combine Soldier just because it looks great.
Finally, I used a Greek hoplite to represent my time in the army. Hoplites were thought to be steadfast, strong warriors.
Thanks for asking.”

Your welcome!

Shaddy Joe: Congressmen
“It creates a mood of mystery and darkness. It also goes well with my name. “

Short and sweet, thanks Joe

Emilio Sanchez: Congressmen, developer of mortgage system
“To be honest it was awhile ago now. So if I did have a reason I can't remember it.. lol
But I think I picked it because when I first joined we have to create citizens. So I did not want a picture of something like a car or something like that. I wanted something like a face or a person, so it would represent my 'citizen'. A car or something like that does not represent a person. I searched google for a pic and found this picture. I thought it looked interesting so I went with it. I have been here for over 4 months and I have the same pic as the day I joined, and I will keep it for as long as I am here.”

Great explanation Emilio!

Tony Stark: Always drinking
I'm Iron Man.”


“Well watching the movie Batman The Dark Knight, Commissioner Gordon is intelligent and strong willed. I think I can be intelligent and Strong willed.
That and I just like Gary Oldman, hes a great actor.”

Yeah, he is.

Before I sign off, if anyone would like there reason to be in my next article, just PM me.
Please Vote!
God bless you, and God bless Canada
Have a great day!