The eUK Attacks USA = fun time

Day 736, 11:47 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

The eUK has attacked the eUSA and the north region of Denmark.

The eUK navy and paratroopers set off. They were at sea for 3 Weeks due to the horrible drinking and..well lets just not go there. They finally landed in Spain and stole a sober navigator which took them to Maine.

But yea...The Attacks on USA will be fun for both eUK Citizens and eUSA Citizens, but what i do FIND REALLY REALLY REALLY SAD Is that the UK had to ATTACK USA. This just Proves that USA has no courage eh?😛

North of Denmark, Nicknamed "North jelly land" by most eUK'ers has also been attacked as a blocking shield against Sweden.

The War has begun for the eUK. will USA actually have the balls to attack the eUK original land? Or will we see another battle brought to a boring end?

Let's just hope its not boring =-p">