The eSK Vote on Forum Dominance

Day 870, 02:54 Published in South Korea Belgium by jackdaknife

So, as we all know the voting for who will have Admin rights for the new forum is underway. The citizens who have been nominated are as follows...


I bring this up because there is something worryingly brewing in the SK community. It seems a divide of some sort has occurred between the truely active players in the eSK territory. I sit here and ask myself why, as we all know that these citizens came to this country, or were born here wanting to truely change South Korea into a great place. I see shouts from people promoting one nominee over the other. I hope no one is following these and choose one of the three citizens on their capabilities and proven skill. I myself voted abstain as I do not know each player well enough to judge.

This divide needs to be stopped in its tracks. This kind of side choosing isn't good for the nation and as we have already seen has caused damage. Great citizens who have done much for this country are turning there backs on the others who have also done great things, because of disagreeing opinions and actions. We all need to work together guys, this is one nation not two.

I hope whoever wins the election to have Admin rights on the new Forum will use their power in a fair and honourable manner, and to those who lose please do not complain or moan... the person chose I can only hope was chose for the right reasons and it means that we are just taking another step forward and not to the side.

Good luck to all three nominees and may the one who can contribute the most to this great community be elected.

Only time will tell.
