The Erepublik Guide

Day 878, 18:22 Published in USA USA by Glove

The following has been composed and created for the sole purpose of providing clarification and help for the new or inexperienced. I will try to cover the basics of Erepublik while also adventuring into some of the most advanced aspects of the game.

Summary of Contents:
I. The Beginning
II. Jobs
III. Wellness
IV. War
V. Political Parties
VI. Erepublik Lingo
VII. Stock Exchange
VIII. Medals
XI. Orgs

I. The Beginning
Presumably, if you are reading this article, you are most likely an American. The first thing you need to do as an eAmerican is find a job and maintain a decent wellness.
Some countries in the eWorld have programs that help new players, the United States has such programs. The link to receive assistance is the following:

Also, as of this moment, it is advised to request a ticket to Karnataka. Every person that moves to Karnataka raises the "wall" by 100 points, thus making it harder for enemies to conquer the region. In order to be a productive citizen, you must work, train, and fight everyday.

II. Jobs
Unlike real life, the eUSA has 100% employment. To get a job (which you can do right away), scroll over "Market", click "Job Market" and choose the best paying job with a low quality level. As a worker, a high quality company is NOT good for you. The higher the quality company, the more wellness you lose.

III. Wellness
Wellness is vital. Without wellness you are basically useless. Almost all companies require that you maintain a minimum of 90 wellness. Failure to do so usually leads to you being fired. There are several ways to maintain your wellness. The cheapest way is food, followed by gifts, followed by houses. The amount of wellness you recieve from the previous listed items depends on their quality, eg: Q2 Food provides 2 health, Q1 gifts provide 1 health, etc. Food is essential, it is used each day, if your lack food you will lose 4 wellness each day until you have food in your inventory again. As of right now, houses are eternal, they will not perish. Do NOT buy high quality gifts. Erepublik does not limit the amount of gifts you can recieve, it limits the amount of wellness you recieve (Which is 10). Therefore it is much cheaper to be gifted 10 Q1s than 2 Q5s to get the 10 wellness max. I do NOT advise buying wellness packs. The only time you should buy wellness packs is if you have a very high strength (30+) and are being government funded or have a massive stash of gold hidden away.

In order to use a hospital, first you must fight ( to do this go to "my places" > "training grounds"> battles I can fight in&quot😉, fight, then click the "back" arrow on your browser until you see the battlefield again. An option stating "you are injured, use a hospital" will appear shortly. Click it and you will be able to heal for the amount of wellness points you lost.

Further Beginning Tips
Guns are a one time deal. If you have guns in your inventory and decide to fight, you will automatically use up a gun. Eg: if you decide to fight 5 times, you lose 5 guns (if you have them). The most cost effective type of gun its the low quality (Q1s). Like the wellness packs, I don't recommend using high quality guns unless your loaded with cash. Historically, the United States government offers free guns whenever a major battle is anticipated, so keep your eyes peeled! Also, in some branches of the United States military, guns are provided free of charge.

IV. War
In general, the United States is usually at war. This is a good thing, for war allows you to rank up! Your rank shows how you fair with other people in your country. Whenever you fight, the sum of your damage is recorded on your profile, and when these points reach a certain number you get promoted. The best way to hit harder is with guns, Avoid Lana at all cost! As you get promoted, you will dish out more damage on the battlefield; the order and damage multiplier goes as follows:
* Private (0 - 249 damage) = 1.2
* Corporal (25 0- 749 damage) = 1.4
* Sergeant (750 - 1,499 damage) = 1.6
* Lieutenant (1,500 - 4,499 damage) = 1.8
* Captain (4,500 - 8,999 damage) = 2.0
* Colonel (9,000 - 24,999 damage) = 2.2
* General (25,000 - 74,999 damage) = 2.4
* Field Marshal (75,000 or greater damage) = 2.6

Be careful with how many times you fight. The amount of wellness you can restore via hospital depends on the quality of hospital, eg: Q2 Hospital can heal 20 wellness points. In Q5 Hospital regions, you are allowed to heal up to 50 wellness points. For America, these regions include, Karnataka, Florida, and California. However, you can only heal 50 wellness points if you have lost 50 wellness points in battle for that day. The order of fighting, training, and working you should follow on a daily basis is:
1. Wellness 100 -- Fight
2. Wellness 90 -- Fight
3. Wellness 80 -- Fight
4. Wellness 70 -- Fight
5. Wellness 60 -- Fight
6. Wellness 50 -- Heal
7. Wellness 100 -- Work
8. Wellness 99 -- Train
9. Wellness 98 -- Finish

Further war Information
In order for your country to win a battle the "Wall" must be less than the middle division if you are attacking, or higher than the middle division if you are defending. Nations sign MPPs with other nations in order to protect themselves against invaders. For example, if Russia signs a MPP with Iran and Iran is attacked by the USA, Iran's MPP's will be activated and the Russian players will be able to fight for the Iranians. Sometimes the government will ask of you to fight for the resistance in a resistance war against your own country in order to return the region to the original country it belonged to.

V. Political Parties
Joining a political party can be a lot of fun. You should choose the party that best reflects your values. Just because a party is in the top 10 doesn't necessarily mean its the best, adventure out and explore all of them. Most of the time you will have trouble advancing yourself in a super large party, simply because there are so many members. However, as a rule, only the top 5 political parties can propose congress members, In turn, since the United States has so many political parties, the top 5 parties sometimes allow some "6th page" parties to have a candidate run. Some parties have militias, some have forums, some have crazy radicals, and some are just regular relaxed people. Often people will PTO a small party to take control of it and do with it as they please.

Further political Info
Whenever you decide to leave your country, you must leave your political party behind. For this reason many military members do not engage political activity,they are bound to their military duty. The president ultimately decides whether or not to attack a country. Congressman can accept/reject foreigners for citizenship. Party presidents can change their party's name/logo etc.

VI. Erepublik Lingo
The following are a series of words you should acquaint yourself with.
PTO - Political Take Over
Sniper- A person who purposely votes at the last minute
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact
PotUS- President of the United States
Phoenix - Arch-rival alliance of Eden, formed upon the collapse of PEACE
Eden - Arch-rival of Phoenix, formed upon dissolution of ATLANTIS
Dioism- The Holy Religion of Pakistan, with followers throughout Erepublik, based upon the teachings of Dio Brando and his prophets

VII. Stock Exchange
The stock exchange is a new feature, with two sites operating and competing with one another. The sites operate much like the real stock market in real life and can be used to make big profits or generate revenue for entrepreneurs.
The sites are:

Honestly, both are great tools and you should choose whichever you find to fit you best. Speaking of tools, the following site provides loads of Erepublik tools!">

VIII. Medals
Medals are tough to get for a reason. Besides looking cool, medals give you a reward. Medals give you treasure map rewards in which you can open to find varying amounts of gold. Rewards of gold range from 1.3 gold to 43+ gold! The Media Mogul medal is the hardest to get. Often people will offer such incentives as free food or gold prizes in exchange for subscriptions.

XI. Orgs
Organizations can be created for the one time fee of 5 gold. Orgs can be used as storage. Orgs can also run companies, thus allowing you to work for companies while operating a company under an org. Orgs can also be the owner of a newspaper.