The Enemy Pt:3 Ireland

Day 1,526, 09:40 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

The final instalment in my series about our invaders

Rank: 28
Current president: MUFC92
Citizens: 670
Average citizen level: 13-25
Citizen fee: 5 IEP
Natural enemy: United Kingdom

eUk Holdings:

Overall Power 3/10

I have rated Ireland 3/10 for reasons we are all familiar with they fail to defend their regions, they only take our regions when we are busy dealing with Canada or France they have poor power and despite their higher ranking they have far fewer citizens than us. They are the least of our problems and should be left alone in favour of Canada or France

The France Canada conflict may be less far fetched than many think unless the French are handing over regions to Canada they must be having a dispute if that is confined to the eUk regions or a full on war we may never know...