The Enemy Pt:1 Canada

Day 1,525, 08:59 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

I am running a set of general information articles on our invaders beginning with Canada.

Rank: 20
Current president: Addy Lawrence
Citizens: 1973
Average citizen level: 14-25
Citizen fee: 50 CAD
Natural enemy: United Kingdom

eUk holdings:
East Midlands
North East of England
North West of England
Wales East Midlands
Yorkshire & Humberside

Military Goals:
Northern Ireland

Overall power 6/10

I have rated them 6 because although we have had a terrible time trying to repel them they have a much smaller military than most other large countries we have a still smaller military and that is where our is we are spreading our small force far too thinly a focused attack will break them but nothing else short of the aid of our allies in ONE will regain our lost regions.

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I would also like to take this chance to announce my intention to run for Congress (Providing we have any regions)