The Endangered African Glock: An expose on endangered species.

Day 869, 21:43 Published in Canada Canada by Gofarman

(This was started in this threa😛 Proposal to raise weapons taxes continued in this Threa😛Weapons Industry in eSouth Africa )

^That^ is where our countries money is flowing. Maybe time to raise the Import Tax?

Now I know I have said this all before but I would like to show you, again, what I think is a huge problem. IF we raise the import tax we will begin to have a local weapons industry again. Now I know your going to say, what about the companies in Limpopo and Free State? Let me regal you with a story; Fancy Story (notice how neither Free State or Limpopo are in the National Goals?) Since it is pretty clear that we aren't talking about waiting a week to recover those lost companies I think it is pretty safe that we can consider them foreign companies, moving on.

Now that we have come to the simple conclusion that we are being undercut but Foreign companies (don't forget about me) The question I pose to you is;
Should we do something about having almost no local weapons companies?
Now to me this is a pretty clear cut issue, having a strong manufacturing core is a necessity for any country, it is not a perk or nice, it is a necessity. Secondly a strong weapons industry is really really important to any country wanting to wage war especially a long drawn out one. Why? you might ask; I'll get to that.)

Ok, back on topic. Lets take a quick look at what the current prices are in eSA (I will be addressing the company by its country, so shoot me)

Austria- .088g
South Africa- 0.1053g

16.5% difference 😮 is that not a pretty big amount?? Now I will admit that friendly Manager probably doesn't have to compete as hard for first spot since eSA has a pretty good track record buying from friendlies rather then foreigners.

Lets move on; So why should we have a strong Weapons sector (and by extension a strong Manu sector)?
Well again, this is a pretty easy answer because about 40% of eRep players have Manu as their dominant Money making skill. You might still be skeptical and say why not food? or Gifts? or MT's? well you wanna know my answer don't you?

The Weapons Industry is the Most important out of all the Manu Sectors because of one thing, variable consumption. Now let me explain...

So in the Food, Gift and Mt sectors we have a pretty constant rate of sales, Gifts have spiked recently because of the Hospital change but they are still being used at a pretty constant rate. No one in their right mind is going to stop buying food and use gifts to keep their wellness up by buying 10 daily at their Q5 job, it just doesn't make sense. (Do you see what I'm getting at?) Now in the weapons sector it is highly variable some days the sector will see very few sales because of the lack of war, or for some the lack of interesting war (I know I don't use weapons in TW's). The simple truth that a high consumption of weapons, even just Q1 effectively means a healthy industry AND interested citizens (let me repeat that AND INTERESTED CITIZENS).

Now you still might be at the point where you say well all of this can be supplied by Imports... (let me remind you JOBS JOBS JOBS)

brb, need another beer.

Ok, I'm back lets move on.

Ok, now where were we? Oh right Jobs. (mmm... beer)

So for every foreign weapon that we buy in eSA we are sending not only that 5 ZAR to Austria, Argentina or Brazil (which is causing major monetary market woes) but we are also sending 2 or 3 ZAR in wages that would otherwise be paid to hard working eZAn's for making that weapon. See the issue?

Now I've went on much to long and still have more to say, (beer does that to me) but I don't want to talk your ear off, although I may have already. I'll leave you guys with that, hopefully you read it...