The End of History

Day 541, 13:53 Published in Iran Saudi Arabia by voice

"A good surgeon knows how to operate; a better surgeon knows when to operate. The best surgeon knows when not to operate"

a famous quote from the field of medicine, and particularly surgery. The message is clear. It is better to know when to stop. knowledge of how is good, capturing the good moment is even better, but the best is to know when to stop.

This quote can be extrapolated to other fields of life, or might i say, eLife?!

Our brilliant PEACE politicians and Great generals showed beyond doubt that they are very capable fighters who knows well how to fight. In an Epic war, they pushed eRomania all the way our of Asia proper, and is now completing the job by Liberating Russia and shielding it from eUS invasion... no worry when it comes to their fighting capabilities

They also showed their quqlities of seizing the moment and organizing their attack, choosing the time of attacks.. the result is clear, ASIA is PEACE

now, we wait for them to be the BEST warriors, and they will be the BEST when they find out when to end the war.

I am not saying it is now the moment.. not saying also that we should continue..
i am not a good warrior.

i am only expressing a hope, that they are really and seriously thinking of the way and time to end the liberation campaign!!

Do you dear Leaders have that in Mind??