The End of American Imperialism

Day 888, 16:12 Published in USA USA by LordBryant

As the New World was in its infancy, a menacing superpower was in the making. As it made a lasting impact on the world, all of eRepublik knew its strength and ferocity. That country was the original United States. As time moved slowly on and the hands of the clock spun, however, the luster of such a powerful country dulled and lost its luminosity. Less and less people saw the fire in our eyes, the vigor in our soul. We started to kowtow every country instead of standing up to them. We moved in full haste to the left side of the spectrum and that is where it has stayed continues to rest on this day. Just today, I saw that Italy is campaigning for its share of the New World’s land. And here we are, stuck in the lull of the snake charmer’s flute. I call on my countrymen, are you going to sit there while all the action happens around us? Or are you going to stand up, go to the front lines and claim what’s rightfully yours? No, what’s rightfully ours!

Written by John Doll