The End of a Run and a Congratulations

Day 584, 00:34 Published in USA USA by Angelini

I would like to take this chance to thank everyone that voted for me in Alaska today. There's nothing like a good congressional race to get the blood pressure spiking. Many thanks to the Conservative Party for giving me the chance to experience a congressional campaign and race. And also to the people that endorsed me and gave me words of encouragement and confidence.

I would like to personally thank Mattoze5, Cromstar, and Ajay Bruno for planting the idea and pushing me into running, I didn't realize how much I wanted it at first.

Jaxon Leith, Hekter, Joe Newman, you three were a constant source of encouragement to me and for that I am eternally grateful.

And a special thank you Tarik Ibn Ziad, Tyler Jenkins, Ardez, FearMentor, Riddle16, Bastion, Detroit34, Cj Banks, Alex Lawerence, and Nickk. I hope haven't left anyone out

And finally, to my opponent Chris Stanwick, congratulations on a race well won. You are a stand up fellow and I know that you will serve the citizens of Alaska to the best of your ability. Best of luck to you in the coming days as you get acclimated to your new role.