The End Approaches: A Thanks

Day 948, 22:06 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

The End?
How do you start an article about the exact opposite of what you want? I guess I can start by thanking everyone who worked with me this past month and everyone who worked against me in congress, only the best defy a leader...

It is hard for me to see another election go by where surprisingly I'm not included. Not much of a surprise but I've never before gone through one of these while I wanted to run so much. I really can't describe the feeling I get when I run for congress, I guess it is an adrenaline rush when you can't be sure of the outcome. But I consider myself lucky because I was found by voters in BC and chosen over many others. I didn't have to worry about asking for votes, at least not any more and I am very thankful for this.

This term as Speaker has taught me more than I could have ever learned about congress it has taught me allot more about leadership. I have always respected each and every Congress Member, but this month I realised that the Speaker has to make sacrifices for a better judgement. I have not once but three times come across a time in need of Speaker Ruling, and I've done so with regret. I regret having to stand higher in authority to surpass my fellow members of Congress but I do not think I'd have done it any differently had I the chance to do it again. It is a means of leadership, not the best part but a pivotal part.

The urge I had to place my candidature in congress was ever growing and I am thankful that I cannot do so any more. If you know me, you know I am very honest and I'd hate to disappoint my voters. That is why even though I'll be here for 2/3 of this term I am not running because it would not be fair to anyone. I can easily acknowledge that I am not and will probably never be one of the best Speakers of Congress but I hope to have another chance in the future, it is a role I have loved from start to end and I would trade nothing for the experience I have gained.

Lulz Proposals
This month I am sad to see that Lulz proposals have still been put forward. Last month as the number of these was outraging Congress had a huge discussion regarding this fact but even after that people have overruled our pleads and have gone through with lulz proposals. As I promised my Congress that I would put forward the names of those who have done so I will do now.


Even though there are still lulz proposals I am somewhat happy to see that the number is not as extreme as last month.

I guess not quite the End yet...
As Speaker I have 4 more days left, and so it is not quite the end yet. But it is the end of my Congress Member career (hopefully just for now).

eCanadian Remembrance Day
I'd ask that everyone vote up my latest article about the eCanadian Remembrance Day.

TL😉R: Read the Bulk of text, there's nothing to loose.

My readers, the few that have stuck by me, I am thankful for. The best part of being honest is that I can criticise myself. I know I'm not such a good writer and I bore you too much with details. But Thank you for sticking by my side.

Yours Truly,