The Election

Day 502, 06:34 Published in China China by Zhou San

No matter where one comes from in RL, eChina deserve to be run by eChinese, not eIranians. Coming to eChina and claiming you are helping to set us free when we are already free is just disgusting. Further adding to the "disgustingness", is the fact that Freedome shipped in at least 20 people today just to vote for them. It seems Freedom is afraid of a fair election (watch how many will leave tomorrow).

If the election ends in a Freedome victory, I encourage everyone to resist as best as they can in whatever way they can. From writing articles to becoming friends with Atlantis, to fighting AGAINST China in any illegal wars we are brought into. I myself, living in RL China, will do my best to spread the word of eRepublik on Chinese websites, blogs and word of mouth. Imagine thousands of Chinese TOing eIran and emptying their treasury and screwing with their reforms and using them as a puppet.

The funny thing is while neutral, I always leaned towards Peace, but that day is long gone.

I just voted Logo and now its time to spread the word. If any of your friends haven't voted yet, send them to eChina!
