The Effects of a Week on the Weak

Day 1,097, 13:53 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Greetings New Zealand

After just a few short days, the new taxes implemented by our split Congress are clearly having an effect.

Starting out as a new country, our only real bright spot was that we were able to produce food very cheaply. For a long time, you could get Q2 food for .43 NZD. This allowed you to recoup health lost in 1 fight (10) for 2.15 NZD. Working a well-paying job (mine pays 17 NZD), one was able to easily afford to recover health and participate in battles.

Now for that same Q2 food it costs .73 NZD at its cheapest, this means 3.65 NZD to recoup 10 health. While this may not seem like much now, it will continue to rise and have an impact on our industry.

However, with these new taxes in place we have seen the largest single-day revenues in our nation's short history.

Is it a worthy trade-off? I don't know. For myself it is, I am willing to pay a little bit more because I can afford to with my job. But for the newb? For the player working a low paying job it will become harder and harder to pay to regain health. This will inevitably have some negative impact on our nation.

We need to decide what our path is going to take, some in our Congress, some in our nation would have us levy taxes that will have the most impact on those who can least afford them. Others would see us look for other alternatives which can boost revenue while maintaining the well-being of our nation's citizens.

Which will it be?

Daniel Dodge