The Economic Effects of Lana

Day 820, 11:36 Published in USA USA by mjmnum1" alt="mjmnum1" title="BOOM! Goes the economy" width="300" />

Go to Go ahead, I'll wait. Take a look at the charts for world prices of anything in the past 60 days. They've plunged.

World Price of: Q1 Food Q1 Weapons Q1 Gifts Q1 MTs
December 0.011 0.095 0.034 0.15
February 0.008 0.065 0.025 0.12

US Price of: Q1 Food Q1 Weapons Q1 Gifts Q1 MTs
December 0.02 0.108 0.045 0.18
February 0.015 0.086 0.031 0.14

Gov. Revenue per unit (gold) Q1 Food Q1 Weapons Q1 Gifts Q1 MTs
December 0.00132 0.0076 0.00272 0.012
February 0.00096 0.0052 0.002 0.0096

Q1 Food Q1 Weapons Q1 Gifts Q1 MTs
Gov. Revenue loss per unit (percent) 27.27 31.58 26.47 20

If you look at the charts, you'll see prices stayed relatively constant after the institution of Lana for about a month, as player gold stashes were depleted. As soon as that gold was gone, prices began to decline. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that price decline is going to stop any time soon." alt="mjmnum1" title="BOOM! Goes the economy" width="300" />

Why? Lana is swallowing the economy of Erepublik whole. Were this RL, I'd note that wages are plunging to reflect the new economic trend, and that the market will correct itself. Individual earning power will decrease, but because of the powerful deflation, purchasing power won't really decrease all that much.

So, why is this bad? It's annihilating governments. Cut governmental revenues by 30% and countries can't go to war as often. Cut wars by 30% and you'll see retention plunge. Wait, you mean we already are?

V2 better come out soon, b/c Lana is killing the game.