The Econ Changes: Explained

Day 1,532, 09:56 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

Keeping this short and simple. If you have questions, post them in the comments and I'll add and answer some in this article.

1) The most important thing to conceptualize is that there now is a maximum amount of workers a manager can "use" per day. However, this number may be quite large, depending on the person.

There is no limit of # of times a specific company can be worked. I originally thought that there was, but I was misguided.

For example: I am able to hire up to 161 workers (because of my large amount of Q4RM companies and some other high Q companies). If I wanted to, I could use all 161 "works" in my Q6 tank company, so long as I had enough RM to handle that. Which brings us to point two.

2) Working is now a two-step jive.

Your employee "works" and receives money. But nothing is produced until you "use" their "work". Got it?

Fear not, those who go to bed early! You will not lose "works" overnight. They will accumulate. If you have 8 workers and all work on a Tuesday, but you are not able to use the computer all day on Tuesday because you were busy getting busy, then you will still be able to use those 8 "works" later, whenever you want. No "work" is lost. It will sit in your "work" piggy bank until you put it to use.

This may prove useful for those in countries with no resource bonuses, if people save up "works" then move to a country with a lot of bonuses.

3) Personally, I can now work my companies from my cell phone. It couldn't handle the old work page. Huzzah for this, I guess.

4) There is no more land. Land prices are incorporated into buying companies, kind of (companies that you have to purchase with gold are still the same price).

5) What does all this mean?

I don't know and I won't predict much.

- Job market wages will rise, a lot, for a while. I could put out an offer for 200USD for 150 workers. It means my offer would stay up until I hired 150 workers. Which means people would obviously jump ahead of me eventually. This is already in the process of happening.

- I suspect there will be an increase in WRM purchasing, mostly by some military groups for commune usage. In the past, the 5 worker rule was a real pain in the ass for some communes. Now, WRMs will be purchased more and tanks will probably be purchased less, since more may be produced in-house. This may bring us close to an equilibrium between WRM prices and tank prices, to the point that it may be nearly negligibly profitable to buy RMs just to have workers convert to tanks. I doubt we'll get that far, but we may move towards there.

- Evry is conclusively a girl.

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