The easy way to understand erepublik (part 2)

Day 740, 02:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ben clew

The Second part of the easy way to understand erepublik will be to give you a simple description on your profile page.

This is where you can find a simple description about your own man/woman in erepublik.

In the top section you will find the most basic information of your erepublik profile. You can tell if you are online with the green dot next to your name. The book icon is the wikilink to your own Citizen Page on the Official eRepublik Wiki

Below this is the accounts section. Your citizen's currency accounts are displayed. The default ones are Gold and the national currency of the country you reside in. in. Every time you move to a new country an account of its national currency is added to your profile. You can view your other currency holdings by clicking the Show All Accounts link. Clicking the all donations link will take you to your donations list.

Below this you have by default, 20 inventory slots where the items bought from the Marketplace are stored. The 'X' button displayed when you hover one of your items represents the drop item option - helping the citizen to get rid of items not needed in order to make room for new ones. Your house is also displayed in your inventory!!! Inventory can be expanded to 50 slots by acquiring the “Extra storage” pack. In this image, the user has an extra storage pack, this is denoted by the open box icon. Clicking the item donations link will take you to your item donations list.

Career Tab: The on furthest to the left of the three tabs.
Here is where you will find the achievements and career paths of your citizen. Your citizen can be involved in different aspects of eRepublik such as the economy, politics, military and media. An overview of your citizen activity can be found under each section:
Economic overview - Company (company avatar and name), position in the company (general manager / employee) or unemployed.
Political overview - Administrative position (if any: country president / member of congress / party president), plus the name and avatar of the party you are a member of.
Military overview - Rank (depending on the number of hero-fights), total number of your fights and the number of super fights.
Media overview - Name and avatar of your newspaper (if you own one).

Bio Tab- the middle option
Biographical information is listed in this section
Wellness indicator
Experience points level and a dynamic bar that displays the number of points needed until the next level will be reached
Career Path allows the citizen to check unlocked features
Economic skills for each domain (construction, manufacturing, land) and the strength level
Citizen's date of birth in eRepublik
Note: Your economic skills grow every time you go to work and your strength grows every time you train.

Friends tab- the tab on the right. On the blue tab it will also tell you how many friends you have in the world.
All your friends in eRepublik are listed on this tab.

So that is all you need to know about your profile page.

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ben clew
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