The Dream of War

Day 451, 09:23 Published in Romania Singapore by Roscatul

I had a dream…

Once upon the time in one small country (the last region of what was once a great empire) in South America, the president started a big dispute with the president of a twice bigger country in Europe (the descendents of another ancient empire). First they try the negotiations… First round was a failure, so they decided to ask somebody to be a moderator in the negotiations… They ask the president of eRomania to moderate the dispute. The eRomanian president was fair and he tried to be impartial, to not take one side or another (after all it was a dispute between two small and insignificant countries, without a large impact on the future history. The two countries had their moments of glory, but now are just two civilizations almost extinguished)…. But even the eromanian president, with all his good intentions, was not able to manage the conflict. The two presidents were too determined, so they decided to go to war…

A total war… Extermination war… They knew that at the end of this war one of their countries will disappear from the world’s map… Ah! It was so sad that they failed to get a peaceful agreement. Which of them to became the president of this new country? Both of them were too proud and each of them thought that he is better then the other and he deserve to lead the new country in the coming war that will follow the unification. Both of them risk his country and each of them knew that this is an acceptable risk, because the other county will survive, and after the war, those 3 regions will be united under one flag, under one leader… Those regions will become a single country, a single army, the last chance to stand in front of the biggest empire the world ever had… The eRomanian empire… A lot of countries tried to face the power of eRomania, none of them ever succeeded. Countries after countries were conquered by the unstoppable eRomanian army, while Romanian tanks destroyed any hope of resistance… Now it is the end… The last two countries (even if there are only the remains of two countries) are trying to unite in front of this empire… Even through a war, it doesn’t matter… This is the last chance… Because, in the end, THERE WILL BE ONLY ONE!

This is my dream, and I believe this is the final destination of eRepublik… You have two choices: To be a hunter or to be hunted….

I wrote this because of the last declaration of the president of eRomania…. In my opinion the declaration is totally unacceptable and I strongly suggest to reconsider this declaration… The eHungarians are threatening us daily, they declare (shouting) the intention of a takeover in eRomania and we are answering with flowers and milk and honey… If it is like this, we (as nation) should analyze and reconsider our international imagine… Are we or are we not the fearless conquerors of the world? Are we or are we not the grate power that we pretended to be? If not lets promote the flower-power attitude and give everybody what they want, hoping that they will do the same with us… Let’s give a country to eRusia, eMoldova, eUkraina…

Why are we afraid of this war with eHungary? The spam of our media will exist anyway. Until now we decide to not conquer all eHungary due to the risk of takeover… Now the risk is real with or without war… So, why eHungary still exist on eRepublik’s map? It is obvious that they are pushing our hand; they are trying to make us look weak… Even if the costs are high, the moment is not the best one, etc I believe the eRomanian citizens WANT A WAR!!

Dsalageanu listen to your people…. Ask the will of the peoples because you represent the will of the peoples… We have the right to decide… We conquered those territories so we should decide what is needed to be done… I want to be a hunter… WE want to be hunters… We want to see the fear in our enemies’ eyes… We want to become the world greatest power, the biggest empire in eRepublik.

WE WANT WAR!!! TOTAL WAR… Ave, desalageanu, morituri te salutant!