The down side of "New Updates"

Day 1,568, 06:44 Published in Hungary Chile by EduRaptor

Ill cut the story short.

We are f.cked. All currencies are transfered in one basic currency, something like "euro" in European Union. All of your currencies are transfered into this new currency by the rates that were previously available - example - 1 gold was 600 rsd, and 1 huf gold was 1200 huf, if you had for example 1200 huf you will get 600 of "currency" if your citizenship is serbian. On your accounts, you got rsd displayed if you are a serb, huf if you are hungarian, usd if you are amurican, etc, but its actualy the same currency.

I got around 5k of the "new currency" in this brief period untill prices setled, by buying weapon raws in bulgaria and selling it in seconds after in hungary. but the prices already settled in all of the countries to around 0.21 - 0.22. i prognose that the in the end, prices will settle at 0.19 - 0.20 of currency, and the currency - gold rate will be between 1000 and 1200.

What is the bad side of this:

Well, if you made any gold on Monetary Market, you are f*cked, those times are over.
If you were making some profit on black market, yeah, thats over too.
If you are a citizen of a country with a higher exchange rate, you are fucked too, cause the ones with more low rates profited with this change.
Also, you will be able to raise RW just in your citizenship country, cause you got just the currency of your CS displayed, so goodbye RH hunters!
[edit] yeah, the only kinda good part of this fail was actualy not true, yeah, our armies will still be able to fight in zambia and zimbabwe to chase for RH medals while their countries need them. You will be able to start a RW with the "New Currency".
Bye bye buying q4 raws companies in countries with higher exchange rate, cause now we got the same currency everywhere.

Yeah, all of you who thought you will be able to produce enough gold by your companies for napo, yeah, you guys are fcked too. Seems that "someone" is automaticly buying all offers less than 1400 currency per gold in all of countries, so the exchange rate will probably be kept there. 1 gold - 1400 currency. With price of weapon raw of 0.2, you will need 40 q4 weapon raws for just 2g training per day, and thats if your country has 10/10 bonuses. If "someone" doesnt buy the weapon raws too, with time the value of WRM will fall too, so you can expect 50 q4 raws to be not enough for 2g training. and thats around 250 gold invested in those companies. Do you have 250 g to invest in companies? good luck.
In the end, you will have 2 options: if you are already a tank, you can get your napo gold with daily BH. If you already have some companies, you will manage to have some profits, but it will be significantly lower than usual. If you dont have nothing of the above, you are fcked.

Good Day to you all

Akasuna Itachi