The Double Entente

Day 1,997, 08:27 Published in Norway Sweden by Kaname Darkwind

There are two main issues I wish to tackle in this article, both of which are important and should be discussed thoroughly before any course of action is taken.

Issue One: Asgard

It's great that Norway finally fits in to an alliance it belongs, but there are certain reservations one must have about our relatively-new alliance.

Norway was completely ensnared by Germany in a few days, and Spain has had total control over Canada for several weeks now. We aren't very strong separate as we are.

There is also an organizational problem that we currently face. After the announcement that we had joined Asgard, there was very, very little news about the alliance or any operations we were currently taking part in. Is there a small group of players directing the actions of Asgard for the benefit of its member nations? If not, that committee must be established as soon as possible, as our current standing in the world is simply unacceptable. The players of our fine nations deserve better than to lay down and be mounted by our vicious enemies.

Issue Two: Lethargy and Theivery

The issue of the rampant political issues that have sprung up recently in Norway. Let's get this out of the way first; who we can trust.

List of people you can absolutely trust in all circumstances:


Out of everyone, these folks have Norway in their hearts most. To hurt Norway would be akin to hurting themselves, and we know this. I apologize to anyone who didn't make the short list, but I believe in lieu of the circumstances, we must be overly cautious and paranoid at the expense of alienating a few of our citizens. If those citizens truly have Norway in their heart, they should understand completely.

For anyone who doesn't know, let me summarize the recent events in Norwegian politics.

After the Serb PTO group arrives, Norwegian unity and strength is at an all-time high.

After the Serb PTO group leaves, Norwegian unity and strength plummets as there is no clear enemy to fight, no specific actions the common citizen can take to improve Norway.

After this bout of lethargy and inactivity infects Norway, we see a sharp drop in the number of viable candidates for important Congress seats. Due to this lack of candidates, we fall back on someone who had taken good care of Norway in the past, Bob Turkee.

For reasons still unknown to us, Bob felt that his loyalty to Norway was expired, and that even though he personally knew several members of eNorway in real life, that this was just a game that he could exploit for monetary gain like a common criminal. Bob stole a million NOK from our treasury.

Next, after impeaching Bob, there was a scramble to replace him with a suitable candidate. Unfortunately, there were no experienced players willing to once again take up the banner to protect Norway's interests, and so a new player called Back to Valhalla was elected country president. The signs were there for anyone who had looked closely, but alas our state of lethargy made us complacent, complacent enough for us to forget that the most dangerous enemy to a nation often times can be the citizens of that nation itself. Valhalla had a history of coming up with stupid ideas and trying to implement them, but as he wasn't in a position of power, his ideas were either dismissed immediately or considered jokes.

We now know that Valhalla wasn't joking. He emptied the Norwegian treasury of everything that remained, and came out with his plan to mass produce Weapons Raw Materials to provide a source of income for our nation.

It is my personal opinion that Valhalla didn't mean any harm to this nation, just that he was misguided and half-drunk on his newfound power. With proper instruction or guidance, I'm sure we could have prevented the second Norwegian travesty.

On the bright side, we now have a new source of income.
On the dark side, that source of income is utter shit and dependent on the activity of a new player and two other players which don't exist.

I move to grant amnesty to Valhalla if he follows the detailed instructions of our most experienced and best players for the next long while. We don't need more enemies, and Valhalla shouldn't be an enemy, but the next generation of loyal Norwegian.

The Valhalla incident stemmed from a lack of activity and guidance for new players. Sure, we help out anyone who asks for money, food, weapons, or even advice as soon as they ask. But ask yourself this: How often does someone not ask and make an inferior decision?

I also move to create a volunteer-run newspaper which tackles the issues facing new players and even players that have been here for a while but have simply lost their way on the path to greatness. Tentatively, this newspaper will receive the questions and concerns of all players, both past and present, and release an article every 5 or 6 days (a weekly release cycle will miss those who don't play on that day). Articles can be repeated, and updated articles about past issues are also completely fine. The idea is to get our citizens active and making smart decisions which will benefit Norway.

Now we must make a decision.
How will we deal with the hand we have been dealt?