The DODGE Way of eLife

Day 985, 01:05 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

He was a Legend, he might become a myth, but above all he is the First Knight of the DODGE Order. You might not know him, but after this article you should, I am talking about maverick10. A man who doesn't need introduction. He has done an awful lot for eIndia and I still regret the day he had to leave us. But hopefully, one day, he'll be back. And until that moment, I'd like to keep his, in my opinion, most important contribution to eRepublik alive. He created a way of eLife, a way that I still do try to follow as good as I can.

The Dodgy Order of Diabolical Geeks of Ethika

For everyone who's not familiar with it, here are the basics of it.

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Dodgy Order of Diabolical Geeks of Ethika – DODGE [v1]
It is the standard on which I base/judge my own & others decisions & actions on. You, my subscriber or friend, or neither, feel free to voice thy opinion & let thee voice be echoed through the pages of my articles.
Hail The Dodgy Diabolical Geeks! Hail Ethika!

A.1.1: Law of TINR – [This Is Not Real]
eRepublik is a game. We, all Citizens of eRepublik, have RL commitments. So lets chill, be good, play safe, and have fun. Don’t take it so seriously, that you confuse RL & eRepublik. Leave Real Life At The Door [before you log on], and don’t take eRepublik home [don’t bore your friends with talk of MPP, gold & Q1 weapons!!!]

A.2: Law of FISB – [Fun Is Serious Business]
Yes, it’s a game, but this isn’t Counter-strike or Civilization. What you do or say HAS an impact on your eWorld, and it’s either positive or negative, in varying degrees. All players, by participating or not in the country’s running, have an impact on it.

At the same time, don’t do anything half-heartedly, even if it is all fun. Be creative, and add value to it. So as Yoda of the Jedi Council would say, if he were a Citizen of eRepublik: Fun & games, it is, but a joke, it is not.

A.3: Law of RESPECT – not an acronym [naa]
The eWorld is built mostly on the bee-hive model. Each person has significant role. All actions count towards the building or destruction of a nation, hence Each Citizen Is Precious. The only way we can advance, is to respect the individuality of each person and not try to mould it according to our own belief systems. At the same time we base our decisions & actions on the basis of what we hold more sacred than other.

A.4: Law of FOS – [Freedom of Speech]
I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it ~ Voltaire.
Voltaire (R.I.P.), fortunately for him, did not play eRepublik. He must already be turning in his grave for the context in which I use his golden sayings. But, the fact remains, you, the Citizen do have a voice, a keyboard/pad, so use it and speak. I may not agree, but yes, I will not scathe someone for saying [if it does not hurt people’s sensitivities, goes against any of my other stated principles or goes against RL, eRepublik laws itself]. Words can be used for all intents and purposes. Use them for what is good and right, not to defame, or throw mud. Shit is meant to come out of only one place. Let it be so.

A.5: Law of WTT – [Walk the Talk]
Democracy is good. I say this because other systems are worse. ~ Jawaharlal Nehru
Democracy is only a dream: it should be put in the same category as Arcadia, Santa Claus, and Heaven. ~ H. L. Mencken
In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power, but carries the ultimate responsibility. ~ Norman Cousins

Democracy is a double edged sword, and the contradictions are apparent in these lines. On one hand it is the right, the privilege of each person to have a voice and an opinion by law, yet at the same time, opens the way for misuse of that very right and privilege. The problem is inherently one of ACTION. Am much as Democracy is a *right*, it’s a *responsibility*, or maybe that is too difficult a concept for us.

I hereby pledge to only take action, and put a tax on my words.

A.5: Law of BEE – Be Ethical eRepublikans
Ethics is always a subjective issue. What to me is ethical is not necessarily the same for you. However, any action that does not directly add value to or aid in the welfare of Citizens, while maintaining their dignity ideally ought to be deemed unethical. Any action where we put the interest of ones own self as most sacred, at the cost of others wealth, dignity & sovereignty, is unethical.

Any action that does not lead to me gaining gold is deemed unethical. Did I just contradict myself, or maybe I am just proving what I meant by dodgy. Don’t Take Me Too Seriously. It was a Joke. This is a Serious Joke.

A.6: Law of CHEERS – not an acronym again [naaa]
This is where the Dodginess (no, it’s not a word) kicks in. This might seem like a contradiction of A.2 FISB, but as Joker, from the Dark Knight (R.I.P. Heath Ledger) says: Why so serious? [You have got to love the accent & how he says it!!] Whatever you do, HAVE FUN! Man, some people take it way too serious, with ideologies selling for peanuts, and peanuts selling for 1000 gold!

AND while this is all in fun and good spirits, the intent is clear. Wake up Citizens and smell the coffee, beer or whatever gets you going! Have fun, but play it right. Lets not make eRepublik just a reflection of our messed up RL societies.

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To every member of DODGE still around, are you still trying to live by these rules? I know I am and I hope you are too.
To everyone else around, though you cannot join this Order, that's not up to me but up to the First Knight once he returns. You can still live by these rules, as even though you may not be a DODGE member, if you try to follow these rules you'll be part of the spirit.
For the full article, look here The Dodgy Order of Diabolical Geeks of Ethika and I'd like to advice you to try and read some more of his articles as since he left I never saw writing like his again. (Please at least read The Pilosophy of eIndia ~ Respect)

I still sign allegiance to the Dodgy Order of Diabolical Geeks of Ethika.
I still pledge to remain active, and at the aid of any and all Citizens who ask, and who’s cause I deem worthy of my blade of words, & all other efforts.
I still pledge to protect the integrity of my nation, eIndia, before any other.
I still pledge to be at the side of my friends (not necessarily including or limited to my eRepublik Friends list), in any way or form, and build on this in every way possible.
I still pledge to introspect at every point of time, as to the validity of my own thoughts, words and actions.
I still pledge to pass around free beer, to any and all who shall ask.

Still *SIGNED*
~ BroodRoosterNL
Knight Sardar, DODGE