The Digby Manifesto [I]

Day 954, 09:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar


Alliances and our position in the eWorld. Obviously this is an important thing to deal with (especially given the current circumstances) and that needs to be reflected in the government team that we use to represent oursleves internationally. Don't expect any drastic change in this area, because pulling out of Phoenix isn't something I'd expect to be a good decision - however, it has to be said that within the alliance we have taken a backseat or supportive role rather be leading and at the forefront. In short, we should re-affirm our position within the alliance.

British interests need to be expressed more in the alliance, and decisions should reflect what is best for the people rather than what we're "expected" to do. While I realise our military and size may not be that suitable of a world superpower, we should have a strong stance internationally for ourselves. Of course, with current events, it's the time to stand together and deal with our problems, but our efforts and participation shouldn't be forgotten. If we can gain the respect suitable for a superpower then we'll have taken the first step to becoming one.

The cabinet is the heart of the government. It's what will keep us safe and make the eUK be a better place, and due to that I want to ensure that the cabinet for this term is the most dedicated and bright bunch of fellows we can have, to ensure not only a strong government, but a strong eUK. Of course, the introduction of new people into government is something I'm very much in favour of, and it will be the underlying focus as well as building up strong teams within the ministries, to encourage new players to become involved and move up with politics.

For this, I want to free up the ministries and cut down on red tape, as it were, to make it easier for people to become involved in politics. Efficiency of the ministries is paramount at a time like this, and the cabinet needs to be able to work quickly and effectively as well as ensuring that it's easy for people to look at how they work and hopefully become involved.

We need to show people how politics works if we're to expect them to become a part of it. Transparency is key to getting new people involved and we need to ensure that not only we advertise ourselves to people (as well as to inform them) but that we actively show people how politics works, not just through party perspective. It sounds fairly simple, right? Well, that's because it is. The CP and the cabinet all need to work together as a team and show it.

V2. That old chestnut. The cabinet and particularly the Ministry of Finance absolutely needs to ensure that spending is curbed and that we are economically efficient for the New New World. This is almost what I'm talking about in relation to alliances, and it's certainly a factor. We can't go mad, that's it really. While the military obviously needs funding and appropriate contributions need to be made, there are a number of ways that we can ensure we do not spend silly amounts.

For this, in addition to the Minister, Underminister and Apprentices within the Ministry of Finance I think there needs to be an advisory committee. Again, a pretty simple idea, and it only needs to be composed of people already involved in the ministry, merely tasked with specifically looking at where we can save money and how much we actually need to spend. All things considered, it's pretty important to save money and use it wisely at times like these.

Underministers and apprentices should also be opened up so that we can ensure we are getting as many people involved in the government at an advisory level to ensure we are working for the aims of the people and that we are helping to provide the first steps to a political career. It's what we're supposed to be here for, afterall. The apprentices of today are the politicians of tomorrow.

Not only does this help our national politics in general to stay tuned to the people, but it also helps us with player retention and getting people experienced for bigger and brighter politics, however, this has to start in the parties. That's not to say it doesn't, of course, but the parties need to co-operate more and communicate more at times like this when we need a strong and stable system of government. We already consider non-partisan governments to be almost essential, so we've made great progress, but we need to keep going and ensure that parties don't just prosper in the good times, but unite the country together in the bad times.


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