The Department for Work and You

Day 493, 12:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Ministry of Work

Hello there workers,

It's been a long while since this department has published anything in the media. And since that time it came under new management, changing hands from the previous minister for work, Bob Boblo about 7 weeks ago to me, John Forseti.

I thought I should take a moment to explain some of the workings of the department, it can be a bit daunting to some of the new fresh faces among us. So here goes;


The Department for Work comes under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry for Work, a part of the United Kingdom government. It's remit is to provide employment and training opportunities to the new citizens of this great country, as they come into our world with no skills or experience. This unfortunately makes them not cost-effective to most of the private companies operating in the cut-and-thrust world of the market. Without work of course, no one can afford food, and without food a citizen cannot maintain their wellness, therefore we provide unskilled work opportunities in each major skill set, doing something useful in exchange for a living wage.


There are currently three companies operating under the Department for Work. Royal Ordnance, which produces high-volume low-quality weapons, Royal Housing, which produces basic housing, and Royal Mines, which sneaks around London picking up Iron filings with a magnet and melting them down into Iron Ingots. That's just my little joke, don't worry. The Department did use to operate Kingdom Hospital, but I believe this was shut down once every region was provided with it's own hospital.

Occasionally we'll sell some of the produce made here, at a fair market value, to keep us going without drawing on the purse strings of government. But for the most part we like to keep out of the private sector and let them get on with their own things. During times of War however, Royal Ordnance may take precedence over our other companies and be used to manufacture cheap weapons for the Ministry of Defense

Department Policies

We're here to provide a living wage, not a competitive one, we'll leave that to the private sector, as a result we have three main policies our workers should keep in mind;

In our wage structure we like to see work rewarded, as a result if you work for us, as your skill improves, your wage with us will improve too, once you reach skill level 2 we will pay 2 GBP and once you reach skill level 3 we will pay 3 GBP, however it will never rise past 3 GBP no matter how skilled you might become. Although we produce goods like a private business that is not our true purpose.
So once you reach skill level 4 we will start to encourage you to make the move to the private sector, as I've said, we don't provide a competitive wage, we're not a really a business and you'd be much better off at this point and more productive to switch to a job there. We will not force the move though, but know it is recommended.
It should also be noted, that the amount of workers has an effect on the productivity of each worker, and as our remit is to employ people, we end up with a large amount of workers. This is one of the reasons why we like our workers to be active and beavering away, to make up for the loss of the productivity bonus, which helps us make products and therefore keep us afloat. To that end we have a three day rule, a worker has three full days to work, and if come the end of the third day they have not worked, we deem them inactive and will have to sack them and so free up more slots for more workers.
If you are such a worker, and you become active again, don't fret about reapplying, just make sure you work this time.

The End

I hope that has been enlightening.

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