The Democratic System: Week 3

Day 1,184, 11:10 Published in United Kingdom USA by McAfee01
"A Washington Post columnist is proposing February be a Palin-free month. You know a better month? November 2012."Jay Leno

No interesting articles to spread love to this week. However, I recommend all readers to take a deeper interest in the Greek/Turkish conflict. Tensions will be high, and it will be interesting to see if Greece has the finances to keep the Turks repressed.

Replace the flare with a burning effigy of Suleyman Shah and you may get the picture

Not much I can say this week I’m afraid. It seems as congressmen have taken a discussion siesta whilst we role play and continue our search for naked pictures of Artela. However, fear not, congressional elections are fast approaching and with each election brings more baww than a Jamesw CP term.

It IS coming. Be afraid

So without further ado, let’s get straight to business.

Congressional Discussion

What else do you want me to say?

Public Discussion

Only one important discussion has been raised during the past week, and by God is it a doozy. Smack, an influential figure in the eUK Forum Community, has opened a request for all sensitive information to be released regarding the Serbian/UK rental deal.

This request is an interesting challenge to the principal system of how Congress deals with sensitive data. Although nearly a year old, I cannot remember ever seeing such a request acted on (or even seen). However, general gossip regarding the topic can always be found (an example can be seen here) and is irrelevant. What is important however is that the active population is challenging the power of congress, and it will be interesting to discover whether those in power are willing to accept and open a floodgate of similar requests that could potentially involve more important or sensitive information.

What I would do – I would be more than willing to vote yes to this request if it managed to reach a congressional vote, as it is probably for the best that congress secedes the rental information to the active population for general consumption. However, considering the untidiness and commonly confused nature of our stiff upper lip ramblings, I would recommend that the Speaker compiles a neat article for release (spell check will be compulsory : P).

Other than that, it’s just general role play discussions. To summarise Goku’s and Frerk’s discussions found here and here, I’ll leave you with this WoW scenario.


We have signed a renewal with our friends in Brozil, who have remained incredibly helpful and a true ally ever since the implosion of Phoenix. Continuing our relations with our close ex Phoenix allies has remained one of the eUK’s diplomatic achievements over the past few months(even when now aligned one another in the new emerging super alliances), and it would be foolish to end this any time soon.

I’m sure our MoFA team can summarise this all nicely with its recently released lovefest article to Brozil.



Congress sucks and the Government ministries reign supreme. Other than that, not much : P


Congratulations to Fusspawn for winning your free stuff. Please contact me in game or on IRC to collect your prize. However, considering how lazy I got this weekend, I included all 9 comments. If this continues, I may have to a) Cry myself to sleep and b) Shut down the article. So please, do a shout and tell your friends, as a simple vote + sub could possibly award you quite a bit of free stuff.

Other than that, I shall bid you all goodbye.

That’s all folks