The Definition of Freedom

Day 1,441, 09:57 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

free·dom   [free-duhm]

1.the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint
2.exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3.the power to determine action without restraint.
4.political or national independence.
5.personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.

Congratulations eIsrael. We are free from Turkish Occupation.

It has been an interesting couple of months coming back to the game, particularly because there was no eIsrael around. What I did witness, however, was true nationalism, true patience, true friendship.

PedjaT, JoeFranco, the many allies who helped us win this battle for independence, I thank you; eIsrael thanks you.

Perfect.Knight kept the community sane under his calm, cool, and collected leadership as President. He is the perfect example of the devoted eIsraeli we should all strive to be.

eIsrael, I am proud. Proud to be with some of the best eRep players, proud to represent the eIsraeli Community beyond eIsrael, and proud to know that we have made it through.

Abe Lincoln once said "A House Divided Cannot Stand." With this new chance, this new opportunity, let us go forth and bring eIsrael back to its glory days those so few months ago.

Let's roll. Am eIsraeli Chai!

Very Respectfully,
4/c Sam Krakower