The Deal: RoSe Canada rental

Day 3,121, 13:13 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The Deal

RoSe–Canada rental agreement

– Canada will rent Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut to Serbia and Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island to Romania;

– Serbia and Romania guarantee to protect Canadian core regions;

– Serbia will pay a total of 150k currency to Canada as a rent (75k per industry) each month on the 5th;

– Romania will pay 60k currency to Canada as a rent each month on the 5th.


Why so fast when we don’t even know all the rules?

1.) The renters were anxious to get a deal done.

2.) We are a relatively weak nation who had just become the biggest resource target in the game. “Serbia and Romania guarantee to protect Canadian core regions.”

Every comment we were reading regarding Canada was about how we should be attacked or we were fools for getting so much because someone would surely attack us. We even had specific intelligence that plans for such attacks were in the works.

I think this deal puts an end to anyone with those plans.

3.)We had agreed from the beginning of Resource Wars that we would be working and sharing resources with Serbia. The premise of the deal has always been Canada would not be worse off in bonuses by renting to Serbia then we would be on our own. Serbia and its business owners won’t want to take a cut in resource bonus’s either. We have a shared objective here. Based on the formula announced we will have the same bonus levels. If something happens that changes that it is in both countries self interest to adjust the deal.

4.) Neodymium is a single resource. There is no point having one resource for an industry except to rent it. Romania’s country bonus comes back to us. The deal increases the usefulness of the asset to us as well.

Why those regions?

Well the ones with the resources are pretty obvious. Romania wanted Quebec for a shared border with Serbia for strategic reasons for our defense.

The magic number of 3 regions is based on the strategy that it would be impossible to RW a country out before an NE law could pass protecting against such an attempt.

From our point of view we wanted Alberta food resource linked to our Capital in Ontario. We wanted both Nova Scotia and Newfoundland for our borders for future fun. We will have 7 regions and we only need 4 for a full congress. We got what we wanted


I hope this answers your questions.

We did incredibly well in this event. Not only did we get more bonuses then we could have possibly dreamed, we have parlayed those resources into both financial and military security. For a small country like us, this is pretty much winning eRep.

Now we just need to figure out what to do with all the money. I think we can all come up with good idea's but can we find people willing to put the time in to make those idea's come true?

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid.