The Day the Marines lost a Great Leader but Gained a New One

Day 594, 18:36 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

Jul 06 Day 594 of the New World

Eugene Harlot has ceased to be the Commandant of the marines today leaving behind a legacy of great achievements to his name for the Corps.

When he took over as Commandant from Dexter Jones a long time ago, the marines were only 30 strong, but under Harlots guidance we have grown to near 80 marines which consist of a lot of Generals and Field Marshals.

Working in conjunction with Leroy Combs, a training program was initialised so that marines who were close to the higher ranks could fight more often thus strengthens the Corps as a whole.

The project only consisted of 10 marines at the time who were close to General and at the time no one was close to Field Marshal. With the project success this turned into a full marine project which has benefited America by producing some of the strongest and highly ranked citizens in the eUSA.

He is truly one of Americas greats and I am so grateful that he will stay as a marine and be working closely with the eUS Military.

He has planned, directed and launched some of the best military attacks that the eUSA has ever seen.
From Operation French Toast to the recent freedom of Greece.

There isn’t one Military Operation which he hasn’t been a part of, from either behind the scenes or leading the attack itself.

Though he started out as a Lieutenant himself when he first joined. Lieutenant Harlot, began in the Marine Corps commanding the 3rd Platoon, which was known at that time as "Harlot's Leathernecks.

" This platoon, later Company B, 1st Platoon, was known for exemplary organization, communication and battle-readiness. When the Marine Corps expanded to Companies, Harlot was promoted to Colonel and took command of Company B.

Before Dexter Jones left he wanted to expand the eUSMC into Battalions, where Battalion 1 would be under the command of Brigadier General Harlot and Battalion 2 would be under command of Brigadier General qn20. As per Dexter’s resignation Harlot succeeded him as Commandant and qn20 was his second in command.

I must say that I personally feel some emotion with his departure as Commandant as it was Harlot himself who trained me through the rigours of the marines making me into the soldier that I am today.

From the first disobeyed order and then talking back to him, Harlot ripped me a new hole which would never make me question his authority again.

He is a man who I hold with the utmost respect now and listen to his words with all my attention as he has always spoken the truth and been enlightening.

Here are some of his famous Words for you all to rea😛

[14:37:28] Damn Romanians need to start
[14:37:34] I have a meeting in 20 mins

" you can say what you want about me, but i will not allow you to shit on my marines"

" if peace attacks, i will jizz in my pants"

[05:25:14] Will Shafer: the gift that keeps on giving

[02:53:16] no battle plan survives contact with the enemy

[19:27:14] We are about to make a big hole where once a Turkish fortress stood

Some funny ones and some significant words from harlot there.

Of course those are not all of his words and he has alot better and funnier ones but these are some of the ones which we remember.

I would now like to Congratulate qn20 in succeeding Harlot has Commandant, i have known and worked with him for a long time and i trust him to do an outstanding job in Harlots place.
O7 to the new commandant

I will now leave you with some old marine quotes.

There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion.
Gen. William Thornson, U.S. Army

I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery. But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all.
Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders

Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. "Jay" R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995

The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!
Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945

The wonderful love of a beautiful maid,
The love of a staunch true man,
The love of a baby, unafraid,
Have existed since time began.

But the greatest of loves, The quintessence of loves.
even greater than that of a mother,
Is the tender, passionate, infinite love,
of one drunken Marine for another.
"Semper Fidelis"

Harlot - the great military mind

~Lt.General of the eUSMC
~Commander of Alpha Company
~Head of the Marines QMG