The Day the eUS Lost (Another) Great Leader

Day 905, 20:57 Published in USA USA by Joseph Schmo

I guess I've been around the block a few times in this game, and during that time I have seen the eUS change in major ways, most notably in terms of our military, our economy, and our social programs. Over ten months ago, Eugene Harlot announced his resignation as CJCS and his retirement from eRepublik. As most of us know, he did not end up retiring completely, but nonetheless, I wrote an article in his honor, because I feel he is the man who most revolutionized our military.

I'll keep who I feel most revolutionized our social programs a secret until he decides to leave the game, however I can say with all certainty that the man who most revolutionized our economy announced he will be leaving eRepublik today, and that man is One Eye.

I honestly never thought I would write this article, because One Eye has been around as long as I can remember. One Eye is our numbers man, the guy who has done so much in terms of stabilizing our economy and keeping it that way. Without him, we would likely not be in the economic position we are currently in (which, for the record, is pretty damn good). So, what exactly has he done?

One Eye is the man who helped develop the tax plan that is, more or less (and most certainly in spirit) still with us today, over a year later. One Eye is the man who advocated setting a peg for U.S. currency, something that we still do today with the CBO. One Eye helped advocate for and create our first budget, which is extremely important to our government today. This does not even take into account the invaluable insight he has offered so many of our Presidents. It also neglects to mention how he has advocated game mechanics and helped so many Americans understand how important it is to understand them.

I'm not an economics person. In fact, I am clueless when it comes to economics. However, what One Eye says makes sense even to me, which I assure you is extremely impressive. I can say with all confidence that his commitment to improving the American economy will never again be matched by an eAmerican.

One Eye is also one of the most well respected eAmericans. While I can think of many who have disagreed with him over the past year and a half, I can think of very few who do not respect him. Being a brilliant economic mind and commanding respect at the same time is, without a doubt, an extremely impressive feat.

You might be able to tell that this article was hastily thrown together. Unlike Harlot's (who I thought might be retiring soon), this retirement came as a complete shock to me... plus it was announced late in the evening for me, and I need to get to bed.

I could say so much more about 1i, but I'm going to keep it short. Today is a sad day for the eUS. Today, we have lost a great leader; someone who will be extremely hard (if not impossible) to replace.

General Joseph Schmo (Ret)
Former CO, U.S. Army
Former Deputy SecDef
Former Congressman from Vermont