The day of our God Emperor 1113

Day 1,113, 10:52 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by

Good evening, Pakistan.

Peace talks with eBovindia have flopped, due to them being unable to pay us any meaningful indemnity. Perhaps next time they will consider better uses for their gold than starting a bunch of doomed battles all around the place.

For your amusement, I will publish the “generous” offers Bovindias had made for their freedom:
We withdraw from all regions except 2, chosen by them.

Yes, that's it. I tried explaining how this proposal is entirely unsuitable to offer a victor, but they refused to see reason.

Therefore, we will be relocating Bovindia to Kerala, a nice and remote fish region, far away from human eyes.

Your orders for the day are to
Secure Rajasthan – fight for Pakistan.
Release Kerala – fight for the resistance.

I would like to dispel some misconceptions regarding my motivation as Supreme Tsar. I am not interested in wiping Bovindia out. I am not interested in peace. My only ambition is to provide maximum glory for our Holy Empire. If destroying Bovindia is the best way for Pakistan then I will not hesitate for a second to deliver the coup de grace. The only thing I will not consider is backstabbing out friends, because it is the most dishonorable act conceivable, and ultimately leads to losing more than one's territories.

Thank you for your support.

P.S.: I'd like to say that Iseutz, the former president of Bovindia, is a pretty cool person. It is a shame we had to end up on opposites sides of the barricades.

Supreme Tsar,