The Daily Shan-Dong now bilingual | ཇཕསངཟཙཇཛཇཇཛཝ ཉཨཙ ཟཙཨབ-ཙཕསཞཆ ཅཇཇཛཕསབ པནཞཏ

Day 580, 09:10 Published in China South Korea by debildevil

Our editorial team is proud to announce that the Daily Shan-Dong will now be published in English and West-Korean

ཆཡཙཇཛཇ ནཞཏ ཏངཨ ནམཇཛཟ ཇཇཇཛཉ ནཉ གའནཙཨཅཙཕས ཨཏ ཡཙཇཛཇ ནཞཏ ནམཇཛཟ ཏཨཙ ཨབ གའཏཔཙནཤཨཤ ནཞཏ ཏཕས དཨཏཕསཇཆཙཕསདཏ ནཞཏ ནཆང ཏཨཙ ཨབ གའཏཆནཏ ཕས ཏཆངཁ ཆཇཛ ཆཇཛཞཏ