The Daily Commune - the revival of the Gosplan.

Day 576, 04:28 Published in Russia Russia by Maksim Chuikov

Good day, comrades!

I have renamed this newspaper into the Daily Commune in order to keep all the commune workers up-to-date on what's happening in the Gosplan program.

The Gosplan program was re-opened on Tuesday. As planned, we have opened the Soviet Food Reserve (q1), which will be operating as the primary food factory of the program along with the Soviet State Grain (also q1). In the past two days we have managed to produce an overwhelming amount of q1 food, over 200 units. The Gosplan program is owned and operated by the people, hence why we're not aiming to gain huge profits from overpriced products. There's 200 q1 food products on the market available for the lowest price in eRussia.

I will be posting the new economical plan in a few days. This plan will be a detailed issue on what we intend to obtain during the first 1 Month Plan.

I'm also working on a new union-system, where the workers can bring forward their wishes through factory Soviets. Through these Soviets will the workers also be able to elect economical managers to the Gosplan. Seeing as the program is the people's, they have every right to complain and demand various products from the economical managers.

- Commissar of Trade and Labor,
Maksim Chuikov