The Daily Bungle # 3: A Fireside Chat with Senry {LONG}

Day 3,299, 19:14 Published in USA USA by Yuuka Kazami
The Daily Bungle
Volume 2: Fireside Chats
Written December, 01 2016

A Fireside Chat with Senry: Communes

So a lot of buzz has been going around my FA policy, which I like to call multilateralism. I'd love to talk about it in depth, and the various improvements we (cabinet and I) have made as a team on it, but I'd very much like to push the economic aspect, directly impacting the citizens, you guys, the newbies who quite eRepublik cause they're discouraged. I want to talk about those guys. I sat down with Senry and talked with him about the plans he and I came up with. What you are about to hear is a real convo, the only redacted things are we tried to avoid endangering the country with sensitive info. All the memes and bad jokes are there. To help not bore you to death, this will be broken down into two parts.
- First Part is this article, it focuses on what we call "ComMUnism". This half of our economic policy involves coordinating with MUs to produce specialized goods per MU commune, to be subsidized by government funding and working together to be able to provide more efficient programs for our newbies in MUs.
-Part Two is the second half, regarding the citizen in particular. The plan is kinda hard to explain, but involves self sufficiency for food products at least. This, due to a plethora of calculations Senry did, will actually lead to more funds from FRM than from Q1 food because of work tax.

The other change I'll be making to the conversation is I'll occasionally place pictures with a small caption, as a wall of text might actually kill me. Without further ado, this is the convo, you're about to sit in on a real fireside chat with me and Senry.

So before we begin, as this is a natural conversation, it can get confusing, if you need to just remember what the main idea is, here's how it goes, as said by Senry himself.
"The whole idea of getting more people to work in communes (See: MUs) again, is that the somewhat recent spike in the average wage has taken over congressional control of the tax rate. For example, a tax rate of 1% would be too low. A tax rate of 2% might be a bit too high, or a bit too low, a tax rate of 3%+ would be unprofitable for a lot of people. This is because the leverage is heavily on the side of average wage right now. I wish to counteract this by encouraging more people to work in communes (See: MUs) to decrease the average wage so that it can be adjusted more precisely."

(That's me. I'm that gecko. I'm calling Senry with my psychokinesis powers)

Komeko: Wanna do the chat now? I just finished Chem and I have to to waste.
Senry: Chat? Sure.
Komeko: OK so just imagine it's like a conversation, but recorded, so speak just how we would privately, but don't like, endanger the country kek.
Senry: Too late
Komeko: So, we came up with two plans of economic action, one was an MU communistic plan, and the other was a self sufficiency deal. From a scale of 1 to National Disaster how do you think they sound?
Senry: ECONOMIC ACTION HARR. Ehh, there will be problems with commune implementation.

So a solid 4/ND

Komeko: Gotta yell at everyone feels bad
Senry: And I can already envision that a lot of people won't follow along
Komeko: You know how the real US government gives out funds to agencies?
Senry: I don't really want to call it a 'plan', more like a reinforcement of already existing principles! How?
Komeko: They have Congress do it, and it sucks ass. The main thing is Congress can change the budget of agencies if they're wanking off.

Maaan, this is so, like, oppressive you know?

Senry: yeah, that's basically the only thing we use Congress for in this game too B^)
Komeko: How about having this for military units?
Senry: Most won't want it, or have refused in the past.
Komeko: So what are the benefits, assuming we enforce it that we can use an incentive
Senry: Strings, transparency, having the report spending and shit
Komeko: Honestly you could create a position called "Accountant" in each MU who literally just sends all those reports lmao

Best MU position hands down fight me

Senry: The MUs could, I couldn't.
Komeko: T R U E
Senry: It's just not been a thing that people or the government wants, past the USAF/AAC, and even that's been defunded for the moment. Like, if you want to fund a MU, the USAF is perfect for it. And I'm unsure if any more are necessary.
Komeko: Hmm ok. I think that's a good idea then. We can offer the MU's the government funding. So what will the funding be used for? (look man for the readers)
Senry: It ensures a stream of survivable income for larger expenses that can be funded normally. Like, sure you can give someone 20 Q7 weapons and 200 Q5 food a day, but what about when they need 40, 60?
Komeko: Ah, ok.
Senry: And a similar amount of food
Komeko: Or like funding for a decent Stack the Wall and stuff like that
Senry: Stack the Wall XD
Man I should abolish that shit

Komeko: F e e l s b a d m a n

tfw u wanna stack a wall but u can't cause everyone's wanking

Why so?
Senry: There's a problem with DocA in that it hasn't consolidated in areas where it should
Komeko: Is that decentralized government woes wowee
Senry: Stack the Wall = BU2SU but with more management requirement, the displacement of personnel, a lower payout, and the necessity of an entirely different system devoted to it
Komeko: Yeah, that's how it feels
Senry: Not to mention the schedule has entirely escaped me, seems like they appear at random
Komeko: They actually do, as someone who uses the system haha.
Senry: DoDSEP was a USAF thing that gave like .5g or 1g a day for commune working players who needed to build up their TGs.
Komeko: Oh shoot 1g a day s pretty good, so why was it a "was"
Senry: That would be a fair portion of where spending of government funds go. I actually can't recall the specifics of it now.
Komeko: Oh well
Senry: I think it might have been because I rage quite a few months ago and deleted a load of files.
That might have been it actually.
Wait yeah
That was definitely it.
It was my fault.

Senry: It uh, didn't come back because government funding was taken away and some shit happened, I kinda fucked it up pretty bad. It does feel somewhat bad.
Komeko: So since we've covered god knows how many pages of absolute fuckery, let's bring it back home real fast - don't worry about it, we get the feels over our browser games lmao

ITT feels over browser games

Senry: HOME?
Komeko: Like, let's TL😉R this
Senry: IDEK what we've said. I just go with the flow my man.
Komeko: So the communes are MUs who receive government funding to sponsor better programs if they accept transparency requirements, but since everyone's opposed to that concept we just do it with the eUSA owned MUs? I didn't just spout a load of crap did I?
Senry: Not everybody
Komeko: We can ask around
Senry: But, there's a partition, like, Congress wouldn't fund BS because they're basically founded on stolen shit from the USAF. There's a tension between the majority of Congress and SFP so Bear Cavalry would see troubles it's that, if not heavy scrutiny. EZC generally hates the idea of funding. WarInc is half-foreign, you can't make much of a case that most of them would follow orders.
Komeko: MMK that'll be some hot social engineering at work. So the question moves us to the second part of Economic Policy
Senry: The reason USAF works well with it is because it was kinda made for that purpose/with it in mind.
Yeah, go on.


So what did you just see there? You saw real conversation, real critical thoughts. Unlike what some think, I really am taking this seriously, and that's reflected in conversations like these. Please consider supporting me if you are unsure about the soundness of my thoughts, cause we've got a great cabinet here, and I'm going to talk with all of them as intensely as I did with Senry. This is just part 1 of our total conversation, which lasted for around an hour.
Oh, if you have any questions, or it's unclear (real conversations after all) please please PLEASE post it in the comments! We will be able to answer your questions more specifically.

If you support my plans and are in SFP, please consider voting for me in the primary, it ends TODAY, and I want everyone to show their support.

If you are in the Feds, please consider voting for me in your primary! We are more than a single campaign, we are a movement, and we need to show solidarity across all parties!

For those of you in any other party, we need YOUR support! Please petition for have your party formally endorse the Brighter Tomorrow campaign! If that's impossible, just turn out and vote! I need you ALL.

Thank you all so much for this opportunity, many of you have taken me seriously even though I'm a fringe candidate, and you've helped me improve at this game, keep it going! Vote, comment, endorse, let's crack the top 5 once again! Thanks to Senry for his super hard work, this guy is an actual genius and is incredibly hard working guy and a genuinely awesome guy.

And Finally...
Vote Komeko, for a Brighter Tomorrow!

Check these links out!

Oh, and if you guess where specifically I got my campaign slogan from, perhaps there will be a prize involved? It's the time of giving after all!