The Dagda for the Northwest

Day 760, 15:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda
The Dagda's Manifesto

For those of you who don't know me, I am The Dagda. I was eborn on day 715 of the New World, I am very active, and I am very loyal to eIreland. I know this looks long but its mostly pictures.


I feel in the 45 days that I have been apart of eIreland and eRepublik I have developed a voice and have been growing that voice. Just in the past few days I have been appointed both eIrish Ambassador to eSA, and a Recruitment Officer for the political party Saoirse. This newspaper has also helped in establishing me as a vocal citizen of eIreland. I am certainly no two-clicker, and I feel it is very important to keep the two-clickers out of the Dail this time around.


I am an active player. I am available everyday, and I will do my absolute best not to miss a single vote. I believe it is very important for our TDs to be active both in game and on the forum to yield the best possible results for eIreland.


I believe that I am a very approachable player. I promise to answer all PMs I receive within 24 hours. I will also be on the IRC at least once a day. I don't believe I should have to promise you this, but because the way some TDs have behaved in the past it should be addressed.


One thing that we have seen this month is TDs resigning and leaving our beloved isle. This is unacceptable; that is why I promise, if I am elected, to fulfill my entire term. I will stay with eIreland through thick and thin. It is my home in eRepublik and I would not leave her.


Now I am no economic guru, but I will take your concerns into account and do my best to address the problem. I will work with, and learn from, eIreland's senior players who have established themselves as economic gurus.


The "master plan" that has been enacted this month seems to be working well. I will support this plan and see to it that it is carried out to completion.

Foreign Affairs

I believe that staying independent is important for eIreland. However, I would like to see eIreland become a world player and take part in an actual conflict. I believe we are at a point were we could really effect the New World.

Health Care

Our state hospitals are coming along smoothly, but I would like to see some more improvement. I would like to increase the initiative for eIrish to contribute to the cause by implementing more gifting and reward programs. The faster we get these Hospitals up the better.


I feel that recruitment on and off site is crucial to developing eIreland. If an eIrish citizens brings a new player to our shores, I believe that they should be rewarded. Increasing the initiative to recruit could open up many new doors for eIreland.

So come December 25th and you are about to cast your vote; consider me, The Dagda, as a choice. I feel that I could do a lot towards the advancement of eIreland.

Thank you for reading. I wish all of the candidates good luck!