The D Day (republicare, sorry, dar vreau sa ramana la nr :D)

Day 991, 11:21 Published in Romania Romania by googoodoll

Coloana sonora :

Day 989 Hungary attacked Podolia, Romania

In sfarsit, drobul de sare a cazut. Ramane de vazut pe cine cade. Multe voci spun ca va cadea in curtea noastra, dar si maine e o zi, vorba Scarlett-ei O’Hara . Oupss, asta e din alt film 😃
Oare va fi asa?:

Major General Gunther Blumentritt: [in German] This is history. We are living an historical moment. We are going to lose the war because our glorious Führer has taken a sleeping pill and is not to be awakened. Sometimes I wonder which side God is on.

Probabil, daca “fuhrer-ul “ insarcinat cu coordonarea pe tiles va dormi in papuci.

Eu sper ca va fi altfel, ungurii intrebandu-se:

Maj. Werner Pluskat: [on the phone again] You know those five thousand ships you say the Allies haven't got? Well, they've got them!

Ziua De maine va hotari.

Interesanta e insa alta batalie, una mica si cu tepi :

A resistance has started in Southern Basarabia

Probabil in urma multor intepaturi intre protagonisti cu socluri deja facute in eRepublik, s-a intamplat cam asa:

Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Vandervoort: You can't give the enemy a break. Send him to hell.

Where the enemy is within…

Cert e ca aceia care nu vor inca sa abandoneze ideea Romaniei intregi, au dat niste kick-uri amatorilor de BH si senzatii tari in South Basarabia.

Brigadier General Norman Cota: I don't have to tell you the story. You all know it. Only two kinds of people are gonna stay on this beach: those that are already dead and those that are gonna die. Now get off your butts. You guys are the Fighting 29th.

De pe campul de lupta s-au auzit ganduri incrancenate:

Flight Officer David Campbell: He's dead. I'm crippled. You're lost. Do you suppose it's always like that? I mean war.

Pacat ca ne luptam cu atat de multa ardoare intre noi, nu, nu ma exclud, mi-a facut deosebita placere sa il killaresc pe Meshter si sa incerc sa il dobor pe Morphine.
Sper sa ramana in Romania partea de moldova care e sfasiata .M-am saturat de sfori trase de cativa in dispretul opiniei celor multi.Si ca o addenda, pentru cine a dat report desi a spus aceeasi magarie dar are pile la admini:

Capt. Colin Maud: [pointing] The war's over there!

Maine va fi o zi lunga , a good day to die:

Field Marshal Erwin Rommell: Just look at it, gentlemen. How calm... how peaceful it is. A strip of water between England and the continent... between the Allies and us. But beyond that peaceful horizon... it will be the longest day... The longest day.