The CvP Prepared

Day 629, 16:20 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello real and faithful CvP members,

As the onslaught of war reaches ever closer to the eastern coast, one must wonder, why not start preparing for the future now? Today I hope to show you one of the biggest differences between the real CvP and the ConVict Party: Devotion to eAmerica 😉 Soon the CvP will be starting a new program that will help us prepare for the unfortunate event that America gets taken over allowing us to become one of the greatest rebel forces. Don't take this the wrong way: There is still hope for America, and we should continue to focus our strength on winning the current war, but it is always good to be prepared. The first step in our preparation will be to collect the funds necessary to pay for food, weapons, houses, tickets, and RWs. Our party treasurer, kmathis1022, will be starting a fundraiser in the future for this very purpose. As we are still a top 5 party I am hoping that in the event eAmerica is taken, we will be one of the greatest rebel forces out there fighting for eAmerica. I must encourage all eAmericans who wish to be prepared for the future to join the CvP. Until the unfortunate even occurs, God hoping it doesn't, we will remain as we currently are, but in the case that it does occur, we will be one of the few parties ready 😉

Please help donate here

Don't forget that it is the person behind the keyboard who counts and that Jaxon Leith would like to apply for the party president position.

Keep Fighting and,
God Bless America,