The Cure

Day 1,509, 13:51 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by cooldude97

Hello Citizens of eRepublik,

Here, I plan to show you my brainchild of all of 2 days :3

The Spammity Spammity Spam Economic System

by Cooldude97

Here are the four stages of the plan:

I. Spam-Build Small Storage buildings
II. Fill with Food and Bread (for wartime)
III. Aquire more empty land
IV. Rinse and Repeat

Now for the explaination:

Small Storage is one of the only buildings (if not the only) which costs CC (Citizenship Currency), and produces nothing. Why is this important? Because of damned Plato. He buys items from the market with magic. He literally plucks it out of thin air, and increases the amount of CC on the market, deteriorating the value of the respective CC. The only way that CHF can be taken OUT of the treasury is though buildings. However, the currency first and foremost affects the country, which is organised though an org to stop PTOers and others from embezzling. A side effect of this is that buildings cannot be worked in, as Organisations cannot work (afaik), which means that the only option is to build storage. These can be supplemented by government orgs who create nationalised companies, in which they can stockpile food and weapons for war. I think that this is the best way for us to move forward as countries, and I hope it will help to combat hyperinflation.

I'm planning to add more to this later, but this is the basis for my Economic System.

Please contribute, criticise (constructively!), vote and subscribe 😃

- cooldude97