The Critical Situation...

Day 796, 12:02 Published in India India by Akash Verma

Note 1: This article is based upon the recent political events that took place in eIndia and is a bit personal. Foreign subscribers can vote out of goodwill, this will either enrich their insider knowledge on the situation of eIndia[If they are interested] or confuse them.

Note 2: I am going to write an interesting article soon, so stay tuned. 🙂

The Situation.
Recently there have been a lot of heated discussions on eIndia's IRC channels and forums, most had the same subjects - Lack of wars and Unsatisfactory functioning of government.
But before everyone jumps to the conclusion of how incapable the govt. is, they should know what the government is, and how it functions. I will try to explain some of it.

This article is my genuine attempt to cool down the heat, as if the fire keeps on increasing - it will consume the entire nation!
(Unfortunately, a lot of ranked govt. officials have proposed resigning, which is a bad-bad indication for a small nation.)
Maybe I had some role in it as well, but I had no idea it can get this worse.

People's view on what the government is.

Government consists of a group of elite and highly knowledgeable people who can counter basically any and every type of typical situation - but due to corruption and lack of effort, they leave the people(us) in vain. They mostly ignore the important parts and are very slow. Doing useless stuff is what they do best.

What is wrong with it?
Government actually consists of people just like you - the only differences are :-
1. They decided to take up the responsibility, you didn't.
2. They took the initiative before you.
3. They are working on things that you are probably not even considering important, while the nation's sustainability depends on it.

A government official's view on what the people(the criticizers) are.
Source: Abhi347's[MoD+MoIA] article.
Note: The original article was modified, but you can have a look at its copy.
These people, who criticize, are a bunch of n00bs. They are Jerks who think they can run the country better. Freaks who only care about gaining more experience, damage and ranks.
All they really want is war, and they don't care if our country gets consumed by that.

Whats wrong with it?
When you hold the title of the head of a ministry, every article you write can be and will be treated like a governmental response[specially when it is about policy making].
Criticism can be treated both ways. You can either get your feelings hurt, or consider the advice and look into the situation.
If the critics claim is right, you should work on it, if not then tell him why he is wrong. If he keeps on pushing on the subject - ignore him.
BUT - Calling your people freaks and Jerks must be the last thing to come to your mind. 🙂

What should the people/critics do?
You should first understand what exactly you are doing and what impact it will have.
Criticism is the judgment (using analysis and evaluation) of the merits and faults of the actions or work of another individual. Criticism can mean merely to evaluate without necessarily finding fault; however, usually the word implies the expression of disapproval. Criticism that leaves the receiver feeling upset or depressed is rarely useful.

So, before you say something, put yourself in the position of the person you are speaking to, and then think how you would feel. If you think you will be depressed, then your statement needs restructuring.
Change it to a more polite response, something that wouldn't hurt the govt. official's morale and still give them the idea of what you think is wrong.
Also, don't take their responses as mere excuses, they usually enhance your knowledge about the working.
If you don't understand something, just ask.

What should the government do?

The people are the very backbone of the society, it is the responsibility of the govt. to try its best to ensure that the people are having fun.
There will always be critics.
You CANNOT give up, as a lot of hopes rest upon you. Take criticism well.

If its constructive criticism - Talk to the critic, try to absorb his views. Then look at where what went wrong and try to fix it. If everything is right and the critics statements are incorrect - but yet he meant only good for the nation by that, then explain to him where he was wrong.
Criticism is what ensures the survival in long run, but only if its constructive. 🙂

If its destructive criticism - Is this the first one from that person? ~ Explain to him how his words can hurt and don't really make sense. In further attempts - just IGNORE. 😛