The CPF Triumphant (or TL;DR -> CPF: Good for you, good for me)

Day 1,772, 14:07 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

A little theme music:

The above is a scene from CPF headquarters early this morning.

It is a scene of jubilation as we at the CPF relish eCanada’s decision to begin turning back to responsible government. While we cannot say we have a mandate, we can say that we have the fourth highest vote percentage in eCanadian history. The three spots above us are all occupied by EPIC during the wonderful Sperry days of February-April 2012 (51.5%, 47.1%, and 50.9% respectively). And in my opinion, this is good company to be in. The former EPIC and the CPF have many things in common, chiefly good stable government.

Looking back over past elections, most parties were lucky to breach 30%, let alone 40%. Albeit, we now have the advantage of votes only going to the top five parties. So what does this mean? The biggest change is the role of the individual congressman. While their role remains basically unaltered once elected, during the election process the role of a personality now takes a new form. Before a player would be able to dominate a region and guarantee a single spot by their reputation. No longer is this the case as many are now aware.

But this is not to say the individual no longer plays a role in gaining votes. A strong individual is certainly an asset for the support they bring, but they must now be aware that they are part of a larger machine like never before. Thus, the role of Party President in selecting “party precedent” come election time will be to temper the larger personalities with the rest of the party to encourage them to stay true to the party’s ideals.

But enough about political theory, well, actually, that’s a lie. But the above has mostly been discussed by more astute minds than mine.

Looking at what the CPF is going to do with this opportunity is what I really want to examine. I am not going to give a history of the CPF (although it would be useful to point out that it has, historically, been a staunch guardian of eCanada 😛) to show what we were about, but rather what we are looking forward to being about. I am an advocate of stability, but not rigidity. The CPF too favours stability, but not rigidity. That was the downfall of EPIC, the inability to reinvent the party for the greater good.

The CPF has been doing this for the past month under the watchful eyes of ElPatoDiablo and Auk Rest; their goal is to make the CPF adapt to the changing eWorld. And their ongoing reforms to the CPF’s seven tenets have proven attractive to the voters of eCanada.

Currently the seven tenets are thus:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable, and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy.

These principles are simple and direct, and mean prosperity of all eCanadians.

As for the so called “meat and potatoes” of what we wish to accomplish this term, there are two main points: the first being the economy and the second is matters more eWorldly. Looking at the economy of the past few months, one will observe knee jerk reactions caused by a lack of serious discussion and planning. This will not happen again. True, a rogue congressman from another party may propose ridiculous proposals, but the CPF will shut them down. We may not have a proper majority, but our close ties with Clan Wolf will ensure irresponsible measures are not taken.

That said we will be responsible and thorough in our examination of the tax system. It has, as mentioned “roller coastered” all over the place putting MU funding at risk. We understand there is much beyond our control. Plato, the ultimate troll, will make it hard, but we will make the best of our situation. As such, our methods will take time and critics will attack us for “not keeping it interesting”, which simply translates as “trolling”. We will keep this country alive and put it back on the responsible path.
As for military funding, we believe that all MU’s that meet eCanada’s requirements should receive funding. This is only possible when we have a stable tax system, which we will work toward. (note tenets 1 and 7)

As for relations with the rest of the world, I personally believe that is a job to be left chiefly to the executive. However, CPF believes congress should take a positive role in keeping up relations with our allies. This of course is different than independently making treaties and organizing war. Something a responsible government does not do in a knee jerk fashion. Essentially the CPF will stay open to all lines of communication to ensure that eCanada is seen as, and remains a good friend and ally in both good times and bad.

I look over the above two pages of writing and realize I should wrap this up shortly...

The CPF is here for eCanadians. We, like Clan Wolf and members of the MDP, are here to make eCanada strong. While we have different views on this, our core message is working towards a better eCanada and we look forward to working with the above congressmen to accomplish this goal.

To this end, we will be staying in constant contact with the public to keep them informed of our actions and plans as they are being created and implemented. This will be an open congress as light will chase away the dark. While I will not always be the one conveying the message of the party, the CPF will always be willing to speak to eCanadians who wish to have their voice heard and know what is going on.